Text to Speech

Issue #924 new
DJQuad created an issue

Adding Text to Speech would be awesome. See http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/9038-hyperspeech-text-to-speech-addon-for-hyperspin-1x-09.


It just uses the whatever voice you have configured in C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Speech\SpeechUX\sapi.cpl - if you need more voices let me know.

As of now, a HyperSpin update broke a lot the functionality and a lot would use it in BigBox. Built-in voice morphing would be REALLY cool as well.

Comments (6)

  1. DJQuad reporter

    Thanks for making this major Brad.. lol. This is one of those features that would ultra cool to have but shouldn't get in the way of core-features, if that makes sense.

  2. DJQuad reporter

    I forgot that I created this issue months ago.. heh.

    Here's some abbreviated sections of the ini file. It also has hooks for LEDBlinky but I'm not sure exactly what those do -

    DelayHSStartSpeech= 0
    DelayMainSpeech= 0
    DelayGameSpeech= 250
    DelaySystemSpeech= 0
    HyperSpeech initialized..
    Voice Module activated...
    Voice feedback enabled...
    Speech Synthesizer online...
    Shutting down Hyperspin, goodbye!
    Thanks for playing, goodbye!
    Shutting down! Bye!
    Quitting Hyperspin. come back anytime.
    Shutting down Hyperspin, see you next time
    Allright, powering off!
    As you wish, shutting down..
    Voice Module deactivated
    Terminating session, goodbye
    Starting game.
    Hold on, starting game..
    Launching game.
    Get ready!
    ok, starting game.
    Here we go...
    Allright! show'm how it's done!
    Hope you enjoyed that one...
    Select another game...
    Choose another game, if you like..
    HyperSpin activated.
    I'll choose something else...
    Let's pick something else then
    Spinning the wheel...
    Let fate decide the next one
    Ok, next pick
    HyperSpin deactivated.
    Ok, let's see what came up here.
    Next up is  
    Check this out:.
    Look at this.
    How about:.
    Switching to SYSTEM
    SYSTEM wheel selected
    Loading SYSTEM wheel
    SYSTEM is an excellent choice...
    Choose a SYSTEM game from the wheel
    Select a game from the wheel
    Good.. switching to SYSTEM wheel
    Loading SYSTEM.
    Okay, loading SYSTEM wheel
    Allright, loading wheel
    Welcome to HyperSpin. Pick an old'school system from the wheel.
    Awesome! Another retro gamer... what would you like to play?
    HyperSpin! Believe the Hype!
    Hey! Welcome to HyperSpin. Select a system from the wheel! 
    Ok, HyperSpin ready... Select one of the systems from the wheel.
    Good! you're back... what system would you like to play?.
    Hi! This is the HyperSpin Main Wheel. Please select a system from the wheel.
    Welcome to HyperSpin! Select a system from the wheel.
    Good to have you back. Choose an old-school system from the wheel.
    Hello again! Wanna pick a system from the wheel?
    Welcome to HyperSpin! You're now in the Main Menu wheel. Select a system to play.
    Hyperspin ready for duty. . . Select a system from the wheel.
    Hyper Spin! Going back in time!
    Hey there retro gamer... What do you want to play?
    Ok, next system..
    Maybe you'd like to play a different system now?..
    Ok...Going back to the Main Menu Wheel..
    Going back to the main menu wheel..
    Let's pick a different system..
    Pick a system from the wheel..
    You're now back into the Hyper Spin main menu..
    What would you like to choose now?..
    Hyper Spin main wheel loaded..
    Back to systems..
    Right.. Going back..
    Returning to the main wheel..
    Main Wheel..
    Bored with SYSTEM already?..
    Plenty of other systems to choose from..
    Next system then?..
    So what's next?..
    Okay, switching back..
    Let's go back then..
    Loading main wheel..
    Perhaps a different system then?
    If you insist..
    Leaving SYSTEM wheel, select another system..
    Switching back to the SYSTEM wheel.
    Going back to the SYSTEM wheel again.
    Back to the SYSTEM games.
    SYSTEM again...
    So much for picking an other system...
    You're right, let's pick a SYSTEM game again...
    I have a deja vu...
    Make up you mind please...
    So you changed your mind did you?...
    Do you want to play a SYSTEM game again?...
    [AAE Bio]
    AAE is a primarily vector based arcade system emulator/simulator.
    It strives to recreate the experience of playing the games as they were in the arcade, and requires the original game ROMS in order to run.
    In some cases copies of the original sound files and artwork are required to complete the emulation experience.
    It provides for simulation options that are not available in MAME, and offers several features that are not available in MAME due to their arcade preservation charter, such as advanced hardware based drawing and motion blur.
    Although AAE is written to feel much like the MAME Documentation Project, it is a very different emulator, based in part on sources from the old emulator Retrocade.
    [Amstrad GX4000 Bio]
    The GX4000 was Amstrad's short-lived attempt to enter the games console market.
    The console was released in Europe in 1990 and was an upgraded design based on the still-popular CPC technology.
    The GX4000 shared hardware with Amstrad's CPC Plus computer line, which were released concurrently, this allowed the system to be compatible with the majority of CPC Plus software.
    The GX4000 was both Amstrad's first, and only attempt at entering the console market. Whilst having enhanced graphics capabilities, it failed to gain popularity in the market, and was quickly discontinued, selling 15,000 units in total.
    James Harding of The Times said that the console was "promptly outgunned by the 16-bit Sega Mega Drive and Super Nintendo – it failed the cardinal test of entrepreneurship: stamina."
    [Atari 2600 Bio]
    The Atari 2600 is a video game console released in October 1977 by Atari, Inc. 
    It is credited with popularizing the use of microprocessor-based hardware and cartridges containing game code, instead of having non-microprocessor dedicated hardware with all games built in. 
    The first game console to use this format was the Fairchild Channel F; however, the Atari 2600 receives credit for making the plug-in concept popular among the game-playing public.
    The console was originally sold as the Atari VCS, for Video Computer System. 
    Following the release of the Atari 5200, in 1982, the VCS was renamed "Atari 2600", after the unit's Atari part number, CX2600. 
    The 2600 was typically bundled with two joystick controllers, a conjoined pair of paddle controllers, and a cartridge gameinitially Combat and later Pac-Man.
    The Atari 2600 was wildly successful, and during much of the 1980s, "Atari" was a synonym for this model in mainstream media and, by extension, for video games in general.
    The Atari 2600 was inducted into the National Toy Hall of Fame at The Strong in Rochester, New York in 2007. 
    In 2009, the Atari 2600 was named the second greatest video game console of all time by IGN, who cited its remarkable role as the console behind both the first video game boom and the video game crash of 1983, and called it "the console that our entire industry is built upon."
    [Atari 5200 Bio]
    The Atari 5200 SuperSystem, commonly known as the Atari 5200, is a video game console that was introduced in 1982 by Atari Inc. as a higher end complementary console for the popular Atari 2600.
    The 5200 was created to compete with the Intellivision, but wound up more directly competing with the ColecoVision shortly after its release.
    The 5200 was based on Atari Inc.'s existing 400/800 computers and the internal hardware was almost identical, although software was not directly compatible between the two systems. 
    The 5200's controllers have an analog joystick and a numeric keypad along with start, pause and reset buttons. 
    The 360-degree non-centering joystick was touted as offering more control than the eight-way joystick controller offered with the Atari 2600.

    Most TTS voices are commercial so most people will rely on what they already have that comes with Windows. I think building in some sort of voice morpher would be best.

    Check this out, particularly 3:50 in -


  3. William Jones

    Text to speech that reads the platform notes and game notes would be amazing. The scrolling text would have to be configured to be in sync with the voice to text in order to work properly IMO.

  4. Pacman56

    I would also like to see the Text to speech that reads the platform notes and game notes as suggested by William above.

  5. DJQuad reporter

    @William - yes and actually, the speech could allow Jason to speed up or slow down the speed of the scrolling text as it is now.

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