Big Box won't launch

Issue #936 invalid
William Jones created an issue

Hey Jason. I'm a huge fan of Launchbox and love everything you've put into 6.0. However, when I updated the most recent version of Big Box (6.2 I'm assuming), I completed the install and was prompted with the "Extracting to your Launchbox folder" window.

However, my computer froze and I had to restart it. Now when I try to open Big Box from my desktop shortcut, I get the blue circle of death progress icon. Further, my Launch Box works perfectly fine, but when I click on the "Big Box Mode" button in Launchbox, it just exits the program.

I've updated to the latest version of Direct X and have checked the Task Manager to see if the application is running in the background. No luck. The application just won't open now. What should I do now?

I'm hoping that this bug can be learned from and a solution can be put in place so this won't happen again. I have no knowledge of code, but if you were given the option to update Big Box from Launchbox, that might help. But who knows if I know what I'm talking about? ;)

Comments (5)

  1. Brad Cheyne

    When LaunchBox updates, the entire program is updated. So if you perform the updates from within BigBox, LaunchBox gets updated too and vice versa. They're the same exact program, just two different sides of the same coin. That said, all you should need to do is run the installer over the location you have LaunchBox installed to and it should work again. Sounds like the freeze corrupted the install or it didn't finish or close properly. If you need the installer, your updates folder in your LaunchBox folder holed every update to a certain point. Sort them by date and install the latest installer or download it from the website again.

    The other option when this happens is usually related to Anti-Virus software and them being wrong in flagging LaunchBox, and thus sometimes removing the exe's or messing up the install. If you run the installer again and a freeze or system screw up happens again try disabling your AV software temporarily and then adding the LaunchBox folder to the Whitelist option in your AV software settings.

    I honestly believe that the install just didn't finish properly so running the installer again over your existing LaunchBox folder should work just fine.

    If it doesn't work or you need this ticket opened again please let me know and I will be more than glad to open it back up for you!

  2. William Jones reporter

    You're right Brad! I went into the updates folder and reinstalled 6.2. It didn't work. I turned off my Avast antivirus software and it worked perfectly. Antivirus software doesn't like you guys! :p

    By the way, this is unrelated but another bug I've encountered is that some Emu Movies videos audio continually plays when switching views or if the video didn't load properly, even when watching another Emu Movies video. It will constantly play even in the options. I've had to exit Big Box plenty of times bc it's an annoyance

  3. Brad Cheyne

    Yea that is currently a bug that needs to get solved as well, but at least you got BigBox opening for right now! Glad one of the two solutions worked!

    If you have any more questions please feel free to ask, and if you have more of a question and less of a bug report feel free to use the forums too!

  4. Jason Carr repo owner

    Hi William, I didn't know that the VLC videos playing in the background was still a problem, so thanks for reporting that. In the mean time, try going into the Big Box general options and changing the video playback engine to Windows Media Player. If that works for you, you might be all set. :)

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