Steam Big Picture

Issue #940 new
DJQuad created an issue

Please add an OPTION for launching Steam Big Picture instead of the individual Steam games. Steam Big Picture is basically Big Box for Steam.

Comments (2)

  1. Brad Cheyne

    I am unsure if we can do this with the API to be honest, but that is a pretty good idea when you want to be in the Steam ecosystem at any given point if you have a dedicated LaunchBox / BigBox machine.

  2. DJQuad reporter

    The API shouldn't be needed as it's an option. Here's a bat file that first checks if Steam is running and then launches Big Picture mode.

    tasklist|>nul find /i "Steam.exe" if errorlevel 1 ( start Steam.exe -bigpicture ) else ( start Steam.exe "steam://open/bigpicture" )

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