Box Set Feature Request

Issue #11 new
Former user created an issue

Hi. I realize this is ridiculously premature for such a request but I wanted to put it out there now in the hope that it will be considered when album views are being created.

The issue I have always had with other media players is how it displays cover art and album titles for box sets where the box set has it's own album cover and the albums within it have theirs. Also the same thing with the titles.

In itunes I would have to have each of the albums in the set simply set as disc 1, disc 2 etc and then have to choose a single album cover for the whole lot and not have the individual album titles listed.

A good example would be Kraftwerks 3-D Catalog box set. There is an album cover for the box set and then different covers for each of the albums within it. By having them all set as different discs for a single album '3-D Catalog', I lose the ability to display all of the different album covers and also the album names.

The answer for me is to basically allow naming discs and display of artwork next to each disc. Something like that.

I hope something like this can be considered for the album view.

Cheers Lee.

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