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What is Gumper? Gumper is a service that runs scripts on a server and returns results as a json object. See Preparing a script for Gumper for a better understanding of what the json object looks like.

Gumper uses json-formatted files to keep a registry of scripts which can be run on a server. The project is still very young and, as such, comes with limitations. For example, (as of 7/2/2015) only PowerShell and Bash scripts are configured to run out-of-the-box. But, this is easy to extend.

Use Cases

I am sure other people can come up with their own use cases, but as a sys admin, here is mine.

Sys admins tend to write a lot of scripts that could be extremely useful to technical service desks or even non-technical areas, if only there were a simple and safe way to display it. However, sys admins aren't always interested in building front end applications and front end developers don't always have the access and know-how to get at the scripts. Gumper creates an abstraction layer between complex scripts that take special knowledge and access to run and front ends that can display the resulting data. Gumper allows a sys admin to write a script and easily expose the results to a front end developer. This abstraction also means you can effectively run Windows-based scripts from a Linux server and vice versa.

Although Gumper was built for a specific application in mind, it should be generic enough to work in multiple situations.


Gumper is written in PHP and should therefore be compatible with any server capable of running PHP. As noted above, PowerShell and Bash are the only supported language for scripts out-of-the-box, but, as long as you know what is require to run a script from the command line, it should be easy to extend.

