Extra rewrite condition causes huge slowdown for JastAddJ

Issue #134 resolved
Jesper Öqvist created an issue

The change in commit 97d0ac202172dd3444a6f5c1c3632f84c7d42f35 causes JastAddJ to run much slower for some programs.

Still don't know why this happens.

Comments (4)

  1. Jesper Öqvist reporter

    Example of an expression that takes too long to compile:

            int x;
            x = 1+1 +
                1+1 +
                1+1 +
                1+1 +
                1+1 +
                1+1 +
                1+1 +
                1+1 +
                1+1 +
                1+1 +
                1+1 +
                1+1 ;
  2. Jesper Öqvist reporter

    Circular NTA rewrites fixed this.

    ExtendJ now uses --rewrite=cnta and --safeLazy (safeLazy is required for binary expression type analysis to be efficient, among other things).

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