Compiling from source fails

Issue #331 new
Sven Karol created an issue

When I try to compile JastAdd from source (tried master or 2.3.4 ) I get the following error message from the gradle script:

Task :compileJava FAILED
error: Source option 6 is no longer supported. Use 7 or later.
error: Target option 6 is no longer supported. Use 7 or later.

When I change the script to use 1.7 or higher a strange API conflict is reported:

C:\…\jastadd2\src\gen\org\jastadd\ast\AST\ error: incompatible types: ASTGrammar cannot be converted to Grammar
{if (true) return jjtn000;}
C:\…\jastadd2\src\gen\org\jastadd\ast\AST\ error: cannot find symbol
symbol: method setFileName(String)
location: variable jjtn000 of type ASTASTDecl

I use OpenJDK 15.

Comments (3)

  1. Sven Karol reporter

    I used Gradlew. I later discovered that at least the Ant build works when changing the source to 1.7. However, this still produces a warning that 1.7 is deprecated too.

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