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jastemf-plugins / Mapping


This page discusses the mapping between Ecore and JastAdd features.

Mapping between JastAdd and Ecore

Properties of Ecore EStructuralFeatures

Each structural feature of an Ecore model's metaclasses can be configured by a bunch of options. Some of them even directly influence Ecore code generation. The following figure highlights which of them are important for the integration of the generated Ecore and JastAdd code generation.

The following table summarizes the effects of these options in JastEMF.

Option Semantics in Ecore Effect in JastEMF
derived true: the feature's value is meant to be derived from other features The feature is computed by an attribute (except containments).
transient true: the feature is excluded from serialization All derived features that should be computed by an attribute must be transient.
volatile true: setters and getters have to be implemented manually in generated code
containment true: the feature belongs to the underlying containment hierarchy AST child node (only non-containments and EAttributes can be specified by an attribute).
changeable true: the feature can be set manually In combination with derived=true, this results in the imperative mode.

Imperative mode: Using a model editor (e.g., the default editor shipped with the EMF) one can interactively create and modify model instances. Of course, also the value of derived model features --- i.e., the value of attributes --- can be manually changed. To change a derived value is called imperative mode. User given values shadow derived ones. If a derived feature's value is imperatively set by the user, dependent semantics are computed w.r.t. the user given value instead of the feature's semantics.


Ecore Concept Ecore option Corresponding JastAdd Concept
EClass interface=false,abstract=false non-terminal
interface=false,abstract=true abstract non-terminal
EReference containment=false, derived=true reference attribute
containment=false, derived=true, changeable=true lazy reference attribute
containment=true parent-child relation in AST
EAttribute derived=false terminal
derived=true synthesized/inherited attribute
derived=true,changeable=true lazy attribute (imperative mode)
EOperation attribute,java method
