Default test runs without output for more than 10 minutes when all packages are loaded

Issue #6 resolved
Alexander Konovalov created an issue

The default test runs without output for more than 10 minutes when all packages are loaded, and this causes problems while testing using Travis CI: see, for example, here:

This only happens when all GAP packages are loaded, so the first question is whether some other package causes a heavy slowdown, or it is just a long test tripping over the 10 minute threshold.

If there is no other package causing this, there may be different approaches - change example or split it onto several steps, produce some reproducible output during calculation, take the example out of standard testall.g, or run tests with the new option to display the number of line being executed (coming soon in GAP 4.9). It would be useful in GAP regression testing to make the test pass on Travis.

Comments (1)

  1. Jan De Beule repo owner

    All test files have been reviewed. Indeed some of them took a lot of time to complete. The time to complete is now reduced to about two minutes. This was tested with all packages loaded

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