Select proteins do not allow for sequence alignments

Issue #38 resolved
Former user created an issue

First - thank you for this excellent data visualization software! I have encountered some issues with my job ( 2vo8l98mfckg ). Mainly - some proteins, such as GFAP_HUMAN and NEUM_HUMAN appear to be restricted from producing sequence alignments. It is not clear to me why an alignment cannot be produced for these proteins, as well as some others. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


James Fulcher

Comments (1)

  1. Jean Manguy repo owner

    Hi James,

    Thank you for your kind words, and my apologies for the issues.

    Contrary to Proviz (, on which Peptigram is built upon, Peptigram only uses GeneTree as a source of pre-computed trees, a lot are missing for many proteins.

    My goal was first and foremost the visualisation of peptides and the alignment was a nice bonus. It would have required a lot of work for myself to add the different alignment sources (including custom ones) from ProViz. I had to finish this chapter of my PhD thesis and continue so unfortunately a lot of features I wanted had to go.

    I am no longer employed in the research group where I developed Peptigram, and out of academia. Even if I had the resources to upgrade Peptigram or build a second version (which would be the better option) I do not have access to the server.

    Best of luck,


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