After installation, 500 skull & crossbones

Issue #11 resolved
Schoenhofen, Kelly created an issue

After installation on 3.2.2, if I click on "Pull Request Reminder" to configure it, I get the 500 skull & crossbones page -

Oops, an error occurred Please see your system administrator.

I restarted my instance and the error is still occurring. Any ideas? Anything you want me to check?

-Kelly G. Schoenhofen

Comments (7)

  1. Schoenhofen, Kelly Account Deactivated reporter

    You sir, rock. We use postgres and the update fixed things. Thanks!

  2. MariuszK

    Hi, We have Stash 2.12.2 and Pull Request Reminder 1.2.1. We have 500 error while configuration attempt. We use external database on MS SQL Server 2008. Regards, Mariusz

  3. Jeff Thomas repo owner

    Hi Mariusz,

    Could you send your $STASH_HOME/log/atlassian-stash.log file to so I can see the error being thrown in the logs?

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