Ability to mute or solo channels

Issue #9 resolved
jestar jokin repo owner created an issue

"I'm interested in a feature that could be easily implemented through your existing framework. Namely, soloing channels. Could be a rough code like setting all of the 0xB0-0xB8 registers to 0x00, except one. (This preserves original timing.) A more delicate version is to seek one channel's information and discard the others'. In percussive mode, there should be more caution taken involving the 0xBD register.

What is it good for? Analyzing-remixing-remastering favorite tunes! :)"

Submitted by BuXY

Comments (5)

  1. jestar jokin reporter

    A quick prototype has shown that you can effectively mute a channel by not sending any data to one of those 0xB0-0xB8 registers. (Not sure about the percussion channel)

    This functionality could be implemented easily in the standalone dro_plyayer, using keys 1-8 to mute each channel. Doing the same in the GUI will take a little longer.

  2. jestar jokin reporter

    BuXY has also mentioned they would like the ability to split tracks.

    This functionality has been implemented and is available in the "newFeatures" branch. Currently, only the standalone command-line player can solo channels or split tracks; similar functionality should be added to the GUI.

  3. jestar jokin reporter

    Partial functionality implemented in DRO Trimmer v4 r2. This ticket should be revisited in the future, to: * implement channel muting in dro_player * implement command-line options for channel muting/soloing in dro_player (to be used in conjunction with the "--render" option) * implement channel soloing/muting in the GUI

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