LETKF (version r10443) + darshan

Issue #13 new
ga19 created an issue

Get the src

##Compile## * module swap PrgEnv-cray PrgEnv-gnu * module swap cray-mpich/6.2.2 cray-mpich/7.0.1 * module load cray-hdf5/1.8.13 * module load cray-netcdf/4.3.2 * module load darshan/2.2.9

  • cd <LETKF_ROOT>/cgribex-1.6.4
  • ./configure CC=cc F77=ftn CFINT="-DpgiFortran" --prefix=pwd --disable-shared
  • make && make install

  • cd <LETKF_ROOT>/3dvar

  • modify config/mh-linux-x64 by changing the GRIBROOT, F90, FC and CC vars (search for daint section):

       case "$feature" in
          # debug settings 
          echo "$0: using CSCS compute nodes debug settings"
          GRIBROOT   = <path_to_cgribex-1.6.4>
          GRIB_LIB   = -L\$(GRIBROOT)/lib -lcgribex
          BUFRROOT   =
          MPIROOT    = $MPICH_DIR
          MPI_LIB    = 
          AUXDIRS    =
          AUXLIBS    =    
          F90        = ftn -dynamic -ldarshan
          FC         = ftn -dynamic -ldarshan
          CC         = cc -dynamic -ldarshan
  • make -f Makefile_cscs configure_cn

  • make -f Makefile_cscs cn

##Run## * Set LD_PRELOAD depending on the src code type (first command below for Fortran codes, the second for C/C++ codes):

    export LD_PRELOAD=$CRAY_MPICH2_DIR/lib/libfmpich.so:/apps/daint/darshan/2.2.9/gnu_482/lib/libdarshan.so:$LD_PRELOAD
    export                                   LD_PRELOAD=/apps/daint/darshan/2.2.9/gnu_482/lib/libdarshan.so:$LD_PRELOAD
  • copy test_letkf directory to $SCRATCH
  • copy exe from <LETKF_ROOT>/3dvar/build/LINUX64.gfortran45-debug/bin/var3d to $SCRATCH/<path_to_LETKF>/test_letkf/bin
  • modify run_job.bash (NPX, NPY, RUNDIR, INDIR, OUTDIR...)
  • type: ./run_job.bash


    export PATH=/apps/ela/sandbox/jgp/DELETE/texlive/201404/gnu_434/bin/x86_64-linux:$PATH
    darshan-job-summary.pl /scratch/daint/piccinal/darshanlogs/2014/9/11/cecig_var3d_id414808_9-11-52791-16847481208865860577_1.darshan.gz

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