cube src code display

Issue #18 resolved
jg piccinali repo owner created an issue

Opening an OpenMP profile.cubex with cube/4.2.3 (Right click middle panel / Called region / Source Code) fails because it can not find the file 0.prep.opari.F while it should look for 0.F instead:



Cube can open the src file if the code is compiled with the --keep-files flag: scorep -v --thread=omp --mpp=mpi --keep-files ftn -fopenmp 0.F -o F.omp

Is there a way to compile the code so that cube will find the original src file ?

Comments (2)

  1. jg piccinali reporter

    From: Markus Geimer

    Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2015

    There was a bug in Score-P instrumenter, since it did not
    create a proper "#line" directive when preprocessing Fortran
    files (it did for C/C++, though). This is fixed in trunk and
    will be part of the upcoming 1.4 release.
    Unfortunately, there is another issue which is not under our
    control: GNU gfortran happily ignores the file part of "#line"
    directives (
    Thus, the fix mentioned above does not really work gfortran.
            program BT
    ! scorep -v ftn -fopenmp 0.F90 -o F90.omp
            use mpi
            implicit none
            integer :: ierror, i, j, threads_cscs 
            integer :: omp_get_num_threads
            call mpi_init(ierror)
            do i = 1, 10
            end do
            !$omp parallel private(threads_cscs)
    !$        threads_cscs = omp_get_num_threads()
            !$omp end parallel
            call mpi_finalize(ierror)
            end program BT
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