Cube: connect to vampir (dbus)

Issue #19 resolved
jg piccinali repo owner created an issue

Automatic trace analysis with Scalasca



  • module load scorep/1.4
  • cd banco:/apps/scorep/cscs/pdgemm/
scorep --mpp=mpi --noopencl \
mpicc  -g -O3 -DDOUBLE pdgemm.c \
-o ./pdgemm \
-lscalapack-openmpi -lblacsCinit-openmpi -lblacs-openmpi


  • mpirun -np 16 ./pdgemm.not
350 350 350 pdgemm: 6.68292 Gflops, 0.012831 s.

Scalasca/2.1 + Scorep/1.4

  • scan -t mpirun -np 16 ./
S=C=A=N: Scalasca 2.1 trace collection and analysis
S=C=A=N: ./scorep_pdgemm_16_trace experiment archive
S=C=A=N: Wed Jan 21 11:20:05 2015: Collect start
/usr/bin/mpirun -np 16 ./
350 350 350 pdgemm: 6.18645 Gflops, 0.013861 s.
S=C=A=N: Wed Jan 21 11:20:06 2015: Collect done (status=0) 1s
S=C=A=N: Wed Jan 21 11:20:06 2015: Analyze start
/usr/bin/mpirun -np 16 /apps/scalasca/2.1/gnu_482/bin/scout.mpi 
SCOUT   Copyright (c) 1998-2014 Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH
        Copyright (c) 2009-2014 German Research School for Simulation
                                Sciences GmbH

Analyzing experiment archive ./scorep_pdgemm_16_trace/traces.otf2

Opening experiment archive ... done (0.000s).
Reading definition data    ... done (0.013s).
Reading event trace data   ... done (0.032s).
Preprocessing              ... done (0.004s).
Analyzing trace data       ... 
  Wait-state detection (fwd)      (1/4) ... done (0.002s).
  Wait-state detection (bwd)      (2/4) ... done (0.001s).
  Synchpoint exchange             (3/4) ... done (0.001s).
  Critical-path analysis          (4/4) ... done (0.001s).
done (0.005s).
Writing analysis report    ... done (0.168s).

Max. memory usage         : 14.996MB

Total processing time     : 0.227s
S=C=A=N: Wed Jan 21 11:20:08 2015: Analyze done (status=0) 2s
Warning: 0.129MB of analyzed trace data retained in 
S=C=A=N: ./scorep_pdgemm_16_trace complete.


  • square scorep_pdgemm_16_trace/ cubeA.png




  • vampir scorep_pdgemm_16_trace/traces.otf2 cubeD.png


  • cube-config --config-summary
Configure command:
  ./configure                   'CC=gcc' \
                                '--with-vampir=yes' \
                                '--with-gui=yes' \

Configuration summary:
    Cube installed into:        /apps/cube/4.2.3/gnu_482
    Platform:                   linux (auto detected)
    Cross compiling:            no (auto detected)
    cube-config:                /apps/cube/4.2.3/gnu_482/bin
    For detailed information:   "/apps/cube/4.2.3/gnu_482/bin/cube-config --help"
    Examples:                   /apps/cube/4.2.3/gnu_482/share/cube/doc/example

  cube (backend):
    Cube C Writer Library:      yes
    Cube C++ Library:           yes
    Cube Tools:                 yes
    Cube GUI:                   yes
      With vampir:              yes
      With paraver:             yes
      With qmake:               /usr/bin/qmake-qt4
      With Qt specs:            default
      With Qt include path:     -I/usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/linux-g++-64 -I. 
          -I/usr/include/qt4/QtCore -I/usr/include/qt4/QtNetwork 
          -I/usr/include/qt4/QtGui -I/usr/include/qt4 -I. -I.
      With Qt compiler flags:   -m64 -pipe -O2 -Wall -W 
      With Qt linker flags:     -m64 -Wl,-O1
      With Qt libraries:        -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu 
         -lQtGui -lQtNetwork -lQtCore -lpthread 
      With moc:                 /usr/bin/moc-qt4
      With uic:                 /usr/bin/uic-qt4
    Cube Java Reader:           no
    zlib compression :          readonly
      zlib headers :            
      zlib library :            -lz
      Notice:                   Cube tools, GUI can read compressed cube files, but write only uncompressed cube files.
    C99 compiler used:          gcc -std=c99
     Compiler flags used:       -g -O2
    C++ compiler used:          g++
     Compiler flags used:       -g -O2  -DWITH_PARAVER  -DWITH_VAMPIR  

Comments (4)

  1. jg piccinali reporter

    Solution is to create the following file:

    • cat ~/.local/share/dbus-1/services/com.gwt.vampir.service
    [D-BUS Service]

    as explained in Cube's User Guide ( $APPS/cube/4.2.3/gnu_482/share/doc/cube/CubeGuide.pdf, page 30): dbus configuration.

  2. jg piccinali reporter

    Scalasca/2.2 Cube/4.3

    Connect to Vampir from Cube


    Show max severity in Vampir from Cube


  3. Log in to comment