
Issue #28 new
jg piccinali repo owner created an issue


OpenCL tests


module swap PrgEnv-cray PrgEnv-gnu
module load craype-accel-nvidia35


Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
  1) modules/
  2) nodestat/2.2-1.0502.53712.3.109.ari
  3) sdb/1.0-1.0502.55976.5.27.ari
  4) alps/5.2.1-2.0502.9041.11.6.ari
  5) lustre-cray_ari_s/2.5_3.0.101_0.31.1_1.0502.8394.10.1-1.0502.17198.8.51
  6) udreg/2.3.2-1.0502.9275.1.12.ari
  7) ugni/5.0-1.0502.9685.4.24.ari
  8) gni-headers/3.0-1.0502.9684.5.2.ari
  9) dmapp/7.0.1-1.0502.9501.5.219.ari
 10) xpmem/0.1-2.0502.55507.3.2.ari
 11) hss-llm/7.2.0
 12) Base-opts/1.0.2-1.0502.53325.1.2.ari
 13) craype-network-aries
 14) craype/2.3.0
 15) craype-sandybridge
 16) slurm
 17) cray-mpich/7.2.0
 18) ddt/4.3rc7
 19) gcc/4.8.2
 20) totalview-support/1.1.4
 21) totalview/8.11.0
 22) cray-libsci/13.0.3
 23) pmi/5.0.6-1.0000.10439.140.2.ari
 24) atp/1.8.1
 25) PrgEnv-gnu/5.2.40
 26) cray-libsci_acc/3.1.1
 27) cudatoolkit/6.5.14-1.0502.9613.6.1
 28) craype-accel-nvidia35


make -f makefile.daint OBJ=01_device_query.o
make -f makefile.daint OBJ=02_create_context.o
make -f makefile.daint OBJ=03_kernel_load_and_exec.o

make -f makefile.daint OBJ="clutil.o 04_matrix_multiply.o" N=04
make -f makefile.daint OBJ="clutil.o 05_dot_product.o" N=05
make -f makefile.daint OBJ="clutil.o 06_matrix_multiply_timing.o" N=06
make -f makefile.daint OBJ="clutil.o 07_convolution.o" N=07

make -f makefile.daint OBJ=08_cpp.o
make -f makefile.daint OBJ=09_memcpy.o
make -f makefile.daint  # 10_mpi.cpp 

make -f makefile.daint OBJ=osu_bwidth.o N=00

Run test1

  • aprun -n1 ./SANTIS.GNU.01
Number of platforms: 2
Platform 0
Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Version: OpenCL 1.1 CUDA 6.5.48
Extensions: cl_khr_byte_addressable_store cl_khr_icd cl_khr_gl_sharing 
cl_nv_compiler_options cl_nv_device_attribute_query cl_nv_pragma_unroll 
Number of devices: 1
Device 0
  Type: GPU 
  Name: Tesla K20X
  Version: OpenCL 1.1 CUDA
  Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
  Compute units: 14
  Max work item dim: 3
  Work item sizes: 1024 1024 64
  Max clock freq: 732 MHz
  Global memory: 6039339008 bytes
  Local memory: 49151 bytes
  Maximum size of allocatable object: 1509834752 bytes


Platform 1
Vendor: Intel(R) Corporation
Version: OpenCL 1.2 LINUX
Name: Intel(R) OpenCL
Extensions: cl_khr_fp64 cl_khr_icd cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics 
cl_khr_global_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics 
cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_byte_addressable_store cl_intel_printf 
cl_ext_device_fission cl_intel_exec_by_local_thread 
Number of devices: 1
Device 0
  Type: CPU 
  Name:        Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2670 0 @ 2.60GHz
  Version: OpenCL 1.2 (Build 67279)
  Vendor: Intel(R) Corporation
  Compute units: 16
  Max work item dim: 3
  Work item sizes: 1024 1024 1024
  Max clock freq: 2600 MHz
  Global memory: 33785425920 bytes
  Local memory: 32768 bytes
  Maximum size of allocatable object: 8446356480 bytes

Run test2

  • aprun -n1 ./SANTIS.GNU.02 "NVIDIA CUDA" default 0
OpenCL context created
OpenCL context info:
  reference count:     1
  device id reference: 0x66b2c0
  platform:            NVIDIA CUDA
OpenCL context released
  • aprun -n1 ./SANTIS.GNU.02 "Intel(R) OpenCL" default 0
OpenCL context created
OpenCL context info:
  reference count:     1
  device id reference: 0x670be8
  platform:            Intel(R) OpenCL
OpenCL context released

Comments (5)

  1. jg piccinali reporter

    Run test3

    • aprun -n1 ./SANTIS.GNU.03 "NVIDIA CUDA" default 0 ./kernels/ arrayset
    OpenCL context created
    OpenCL source code loaded
    Build output: 
    Built OpenCL program
    Lunched OpenCL kernel - setting all array elements to 3.14
    Output array: 
    3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 
    Released OpenCL resources

    Run test4

    • aprun -n1 ./SANTIS.GNU.04 "NVIDIA CUDA" default 0 ./kernels/ matmul
    Build output: 

    Run test5

    • aprun -n1 ./SANTIS.GNU.05 "NVIDIA CUDA" default 0 ./kernels/ dotprod
    Build output: 
    7693 7693

    Run test6

    • aprun -n1 ./SANTIS.GNU.06 "NVIDIA CUDA" default 0 ./kernels/ matmul 256 16
    Build output: 
    Elapsed time(ms): 0.399616

    Run test7

    • aprun -n1 ./SANTIS.GNU.07 "NVIDIA CUDA" default 0 ./kernels/ filter 258 16 std
    Build output: 
    Elapsed time: 0.0656 ms

    Run test8

    • aprun -n1 ./SANTIS.GNU.08 0 default ./kernels/ arrayset
    Elapsed time: 0.03216 ms
    3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 

    Run test9

    • aprun -n1 ./SANTIS.GNU.09 0 default 0 134217728
    Elapsed time (ms):
      host to device:               22.1727
      device to host:               20.8896
      device to device:             1.52086
      host to device:               5.63757
      device to host:               5.98385
      device to device:             164.38
    • this test fails:
    • aprun -n1 ./SANTIS.GNU.09 0 default 0 134217728 page-locked
    clGetEventProfileInfo: Error code -7
  2. jg piccinali reporter

    Run test0

    for streams in $( seq 0 1 ); do
        for ipc in $( seq 0 1 ); do
            for smp in $( seq 0 1 ); do
                echo -n "export MV2_USE_CUDA=1;"
                echo -n "export MV2_CUDA_NONBLOCKING_STREAMS=${streams};"
                echo -n "export MV2_CUDA_IPC=${ipc};"
                echo -n "export MV2_CUDA_SMP_IPC=${smp};"
                echo aprun -n2 -N1 ./SANTIS.GNU.00 
    • export MV2_USE_CUDA=1;export MV2_CUDA_NONBLOCKING_STREAMS=0;
    • export MV2_CUDA_IPC=0;export MV2_CUDA_SMP_IPC=0;aprun -n2 -N1 ./SANTIS.GNU.00
    # Using PAGEABLE host memory!
    # OSU MPI Bandwidth Test
    # Size        Bandwidth (MB/s)
    1                         1.44
    2                         2.88
    4                         5.74
    8                        11.56
    16                       23.02
    32                       45.99
    64                       91.80
    128                     178.86
    256                     357.90
    512                     695.54
    1024                   1076.98
    2048                   1684.30
    4096                   2329.33
    8192                   5008.02
    16384                  8559.84
    32768                  9175.98
    65536                  9520.61
    131072                 9701.08
    262144                 9796.64
    524288                 9845.64
    1048576                9868.96
    2097152                9876.50
    4194304                9832.50
    • export MV2_USE_CUDA=1;export MV2_CUDA_NONBLOCKING_STREAMS=0;
    • export MV2_CUDA_IPC=0;export MV2_CUDA_SMP_IPC=1;aprun -n2 -N1 ./SANTIS.GNU.00
    # Using PAGEABLE host memory!
    # OSU MPI Bandwidth Test
    # Size        Bandwidth (MB/s)
    1                         1.44
    2                         2.89
    4                         5.59
    8                        11.29
    16                       23.06
    32                       46.08
    64                       92.06
    128                     181.72
    256                     359.05
    512                     697.80
    1024                   1076.85
    2048                   1686.21
    4096                   2351.70
    8192                   4970.89
    16384                  8545.70
    32768                  9167.85
    65536                  9464.53
    131072                 9700.15
    262144                 9789.75
    524288                 9832.36
    1048576                9866.69
    2097152                9879.95
    4194304                9847.03
    • export MV2_USE_CUDA=1;export MV2_CUDA_NONBLOCKING_STREAMS=0;
    • export MV2_CUDA_IPC=1;export MV2_CUDA_SMP_IPC=0;aprun -n2 -N1 ./SANTIS.GNU.00
    # Using PAGEABLE host memory!
    # OSU MPI Bandwidth Test
    # Size        Bandwidth (MB/s)
    1                         1.45
    2                         2.90
    4                         5.78
    8                        11.62
    16                       22.32
    32                       46.31
    64                       92.44
    128                     182.49
    256                     360.81
    512                     700.47
    1024                   1081.43
    2048                   1691.45
    4096                   2355.27
    8192                   5027.60
    16384                  8559.84
    32768                  9172.15
    65536                  9514.18
    131072                 9704.56
    262144                 9798.34
    524288                 9846.19
    1048576                9869.32
    2097152                9874.07
    4194304                9847.52
    • export MV2_USE_CUDA=1;export MV2_CUDA_NONBLOCKING_STREAMS=0;
    • export MV2_CUDA_IPC=1;export MV2_CUDA_SMP_IPC=1;aprun -n2 -N1 ./SANTIS.GNU.00
    # Using PAGEABLE host memory!
    # OSU MPI Bandwidth Test
    # Size        Bandwidth (MB/s)
    1                         1.44
    2                         2.89
    4                         5.71
    8                        11.57
    16                       23.06
    32                       43.99
    64                       92.17
    128                     182.01
    256                     359.54
    512                     698.69
    1024                   1079.35
    2048                   1686.88
    4096                   2352.15
    8192                   5014.65
    16384                  8549.03
    32768                  9174.06
    65536                  9512.12
    131072                 9697.21
    262144                 9795.48
    524288                 9844.78
    1048576                9859.02
    2097152                9877.74
    4194304                9848.53
    • export MV2_USE_CUDA=1;export MV2_CUDA_NONBLOCKING_STREAMS=1;
    • export MV2_CUDA_IPC=0;export MV2_CUDA_SMP_IPC=0;aprun -n2 -N1 ./SANTIS.GNU.00
    # Using PAGEABLE host memory!
    # OSU MPI Bandwidth Test
    # Size        Bandwidth (MB/s)
    1                         1.44
    2                         2.82
    4                         5.64
    8                        11.34
    16                       23.12
    32                       46.22
    64                       92.34
    128                     182.61
    256                     360.64
    512                     700.93
    1024                   1080.58
    2048                   1688.65
    4096                   2347.68
    8192                   5021.86
    16384                  8559.84
    32768                  9167.85
    65536                  9516.23
    131072                 9699.48
    262144                 9798.07
    524288                 9835.80
    1048576                9867.71
    2097152                9880.68
    4194304                9846.51
    • export MV2_USE_CUDA=1;export MV2_CUDA_NONBLOCKING_STREAMS=1;
    • export MV2_CUDA_IPC=0;export MV2_CUDA_SMP_IPC=1;aprun -n2 -N1 ./SANTIS.GNU.00
    # Using PAGEABLE host memory!
    # OSU MPI Bandwidth Test
    # Size        Bandwidth (MB/s)
    1                         1.41
    2                         2.89
    4                         5.79
    8                        11.19
    16                       23.11
    32                       46.20
    64                       92.17
    128                     182.16
    256                     359.67
    512                     699.86
    1024                   1079.14
    2048                   1688.39
    4096                   2352.35
    8192                   5027.26
    16384                  8556.51
    32768                  9171.67
    65536                  9497.99
    131072                 9702.29
    262144                 9800.59
    524288                 9845.36
    1048576                9868.73
    2097152                9873.23
    4194304                9848.95
    • export MV2_USE_CUDA=1;export MV2_CUDA_NONBLOCKING_STREAMS=1;
    • export MV2_CUDA_IPC=1;export MV2_CUDA_SMP_IPC=0;aprun -n2 -N1 ./SANTIS.GNU.00
    # Using PAGEABLE host memory!
    # OSU MPI Bandwidth Test
    # Size        Bandwidth (MB/s)
    1                         1.44
    2                         2.89
    4                         5.77
    8                        11.60
    16                       23.09
    32                       46.11
    64                       92.19
    128                     181.92
    256                     359.69
    512                     698.08
    1024                   1077.91
    2048                   1686.88
    4096                   2345.37
    8192                   5025.19
    16384                  8556.51
    32768                  9169.76
    65536                  9515.20
    131072                 9701.62
    262144                 9797.73
    524288                 9837.24
    1048576                9858.66
    2097152                9877.70
    4194304                9847.52
    • export MV2_USE_CUDA=1;export MV2_CUDA_NONBLOCKING_STREAMS=1;
    • export MV2_CUDA_IPC=1;export MV2_CUDA_SMP_IPC=1;aprun -n2 -N1 ./SANTIS.GNU.00
    # Using PAGEABLE host memory!
    # OSU MPI Bandwidth Test
    # Size        Bandwidth (MB/s)
    1                         1.44
    2                         2.89
    4                         5.79
    8                        11.59
    16                       23.12
    32                       46.25
    64                       92.30
    128                     182.16
    256                     360.09
    512                     700.90
    1024                   1071.23
    2048                   1688.85
    4096                   2352.95
    8192                   5012.25
    16384                  8555.68
    32768                  9169.76
    65536                  9517.26
    131072                 9698.94
    262144                 9780.98
    524288                 9845.05
    1048576                9868.73
    2097152                9880.83
    4194304                9846.40
  3. jg piccinali reporter



    module swap PrgEnv-cray PrgEnv-gnu
    module load craype-accel-nvidia35


    • see above
    • pat_build -w -t /opt/cray/perftools/6.2.3/share/traces/TraceOpenCL SANTIS.GNU.xx


    • aprun ... SANTIS.GNU.xx+pat


    Table 1:  Profile by Function Group and Function
      Time% |     Time | Imb. |  Imb. | Calls |Group
            |          | Time | Time% |       | Function      
     100.0% | 0.091913 |   -- |    -- |  40.0 |Total
    |  99.8% | 0.091688 |   -- |    -- |  39.0 |OPENCL
    ||  99.4% | 0.091373 |   -- |    -- |  17.0 |clGetPlatformIDs


     100.0% | 0.414027 |   -- |    -- |  31.0 |Total
    |  99.9% | 0.413796 |   -- |    -- |  30.0 |OPENCL
    ||  44.2% | 0.183049 |   -- |    -- |   1.0 |clReleaseContext
    ||  34.6% | 0.143298 |   -- |    -- |   7.0 |clCreateContext
    ||  21.1% | 0.087440 |   -- |    -- |  17.0 |clGetPlatformIDs


    100.0% | 0.417150 |   -- |    -- |  41.0 |Total
    |  98.4% | 0.410299 |   -- |    -- |  40.0 |OPENCL
    ||  34.1% | 0.142086 |   -- |    -- |   7.0 |clCreateContext
    ||  30.6% | 0.127487 |   -- |    -- |   1.0 |clReleaseContext
    ||  21.0% | 0.087524 |   -- |    -- |  17.0 |clGetPlatformIDs
    ||  12.7% | 0.053091 |   -- |    -- |   1.0 |clBuildProgram
    |   1.6% | 0.006851 |   -- |    -- |   1.0 |USER
    ||   1.6% | 0.006851 |   -- |    -- |   1.0 |main


     100.0% | 0.415522 |   -- |    -- |  47.0 |Total
    |  98.1% | 0.407656 |   -- |    -- |  46.0 |OPENCL
    ||  34.1% | 0.141779 |   -- |    -- |   7.0 |clCreateContext
    ||  31.2% | 0.129546 |   -- |    -- |   1.0 |clReleaseContext
    ||  20.8% | 0.086464 |   -- |    -- |  17.0 |clGetPlatformIDs
    ||  12.0% | 0.049725 |   -- |    -- |   1.0 |clBuildProgram
    |   1.9% | 0.007866 |   -- |    -- |   1.0 |USER
    ||   1.9% | 0.007866 |   -- |    -- |   1.0 |main


     100.0% | 0.419554 |   -- |    -- |  46.0 |Total
    |  95.7% | 0.401306 |   -- |    -- |  45.0 |OPENCL
    ||  34.0% | 0.142451 |   -- |    -- |   7.0 |clCreateContext
    ||  31.1% | 0.130537 |   -- |    -- |   1.0 |clReleaseContext
    ||  21.0% | 0.088301 |   -- |    -- |  17.0 |clGetPlatformIDs
    ||   9.5% | 0.039872 |   -- |    -- |   1.0 |clBuildProgram
    |   4.3% | 0.018248 |   -- |    -- |   1.0 |USER
    ||   4.3% | 0.018248 |   -- |    -- |   1.0 |main


     100.0% | 0.359751 |   -- |    -- |  52.0 |Total
    |  77.2% | 0.277844 |   -- |    -- |  51.0 |OPENCL
    ||  39.2% | 0.140895 |   -- |    -- |   7.0 |clCreateContext
    ||  23.8% | 0.085636 |   -- |    -- |  17.0 |clGetPlatformIDs
    ||  13.9% | 0.050183 |   -- |    -- |   1.0 |clBuildProgram
    |  22.8% | 0.081907 |   -- |    -- |   1.0 |USER
    ||  22.8% | 0.081907 |   -- |    -- |   1.0 |main


    pat[WARNING][0]: 5 spawned threads did not complete successfully
     100.0% | 0.297737 |   -- |    -- |  53.0 |Total
    |  82.8% | 0.246573 |   -- |    -- |  52.0 |OPENCL
    ||  47.2% | 0.140398 |   -- |    -- |   7.0 |clCreateContext
    ||  29.3% | 0.087153 |   -- |    -- |  17.0 |clGetPlatformIDs
    ||   6.1% | 0.018153 |   -- |    -- |   1.0 |clBuildProgram
    |  17.2% | 0.051164 |   -- |    -- |   1.0 |USER
    ||  17.2% | 0.051164 |   -- |    -- |   1.0 |main


     100.0% | 0.420327 |   -- |    -- |  44.0 |Total
    |  98.7% | 0.415022 |   -- |    -- |  43.0 |OPENCL
    ||  34.1% | 0.143129 |   -- |    -- |   7.0 |clCreateContext
    ||  29.2% | 0.122776 |   -- |    -- |   1.0 |clReleaseEvent
    ||  21.4% | 0.089938 |   -- |    -- |  17.0 |clGetPlatformIDs
    ||  14.0% | 0.058892 |   -- |    -- |   1.0 |clBuildProgram
    |   1.3% | 0.005305 |   -- |    -- |   1.0 |USER
    ||   1.3% | 0.005305 |   -- |    -- |   1.0 |main


     100.0% | 0.702952 |   -- |    -- |  51.0 |Total
    |  80.8% | 0.567870 |   -- |    -- |  50.0 |OPENCL
    ||  19.7% | 0.138408 |   -- |    -- |   4.0 |clCreateBuffer
    ||  19.3% | 0.135523 |   -- |    -- |   7.0 |clCreateContext
    ||  15.0% | 0.105484 |   -- |    -- |   1.0 |clReleaseContext
    ||  12.3% | 0.086211 |   -- |    -- |  17.0 |clGetPlatformIDs
    ||   7.0% | 0.048991 |   -- |    -- |   1.0 |clEnqueueReadBuffer
    ||   4.0% | 0.028251 |   -- |    -- |   1.0 |clEnqueueCopyBuffer
    ||   3.2% | 0.022789 |   -- |    -- |   1.0 |clEnqueueWriteBuffer
    |  19.2% | 0.135083 |   -- |    -- |   1.0 |USER
    ||  19.2% | 0.135083 |   -- |    -- |   1.0 |main


    • pat_build -w -g mpi -t /opt/cray/perftools/6.2.3/share/traces/TraceOpenCL SANTIS.GNU.00
    • how to use -g opencl ?

    • export MV2_USE_CUDA=1;export MV2_CUDA_NONBLOCKING_STREAMS=0;

    • export MV2_CUDA_IPC=0;export MV2_CUDA_SMP_IPC=0;
    • aprun -n2 -N1 ./SANTIS.GNU.00+pat
      100.0% | 1.305849 |       -- |    -- |   5.0 |Total
    |  99.4% | 1.298129 | 0.000006 |  0.0% |   1.0 |USER
    ||  99.4% | 1.298129 | 0.000006 |  0.0% |   1.0 |main
    |   0.6% | 0.007718 |       -- |    -- |   2.0 |MPI_SYNC
    ||   0.6% | 0.007700 | 0.007682 | 99.8% |   1.0 |MPI_Init(sync)
    ||   0.0% | 0.000018 | 0.000007 | 35.5% |   1.0 |MPI_Finalize(sync)
    |   0.0% | 0.000002 |       -- |    -- |   2.0 |MPI
    ||   0.0% | 0.000001 | 0.000000 |  6.1% |   1.0 |MPI_Finalize
    ||   0.0% | 0.000001 | 0.000000 | 34.2% |   1.0 |MPI_Init
    Processing step 2 of 3
    ===================  Observations and suggestions  ===================
    Number of accelerators used:  0 of 2
    • how to spend more time on the gpu ?
  4. Log in to comment