SIRIUS (scorep)

Issue #55 new
jg piccinali repo owner created an issue




  • git clone sirius.git
  • gic develop
  • module swap PrgEnv-cray PrgEnv-gnu
  • module swap gcc/4.8.2
  • module load fftw
  • module load cray-hdf5
  • module load craype-accel-nvidia35


  • /project/csstaff/antonk/sirius_vampir/sirius/platform.json
    • depends on libcx, spglib, gsl, json, elpa
  • python
  • make


Comments (2)

  1. jg piccinali reporter


    • /apps/daint/5.2.UP02/sandbox/jgp/sirius.git/apps/dft_loop/TiCoO2
    Table 1:  Profile by Function
      Samp% |   Samp | Imb. |  Imb. |Group
            |        | Samp | Samp% | Function
            |        |      |       |  PE=HIDE
            |        |      |       |   Thread=HIDE
     100.0% | 3698.0 |   -- |    -- |Total
    |  74.4% | 2749.5 |   -- |    -- |ETC
    ||  28.7% | 1061.8 | 32.2 |  3.9% |sirius::DFT_ground_state::scf_loop
    ||   4.9% |  180.0 |  8.0 |  5.7% |__elpa1_MOD_solve_evp_complex
    ||   4.4% |  163.2 | 11.8 |  9.0% |sirius::Density::initial_density
    ||   4.2% |  156.0 | 21.0 | 15.8% |_ZN6sirius4Atom25generate_radial
    ||   4.1% |  151.2 | 12.8 | 10.4% |gomp_team_barrier_wait_end
    ||   3.8% |  142.0 | 11.0 |  9.6% |cudbgGetAPIVersion
    ||   3.7% |  137.5 | 76.5 | 47.7% |__elpa1_MOD_cholesky_complex
    ||   3.2% |  119.8 |  7.2 |  7.6% |gotoblas_zgemv_c_sandybridge
    ||   2.2% |   81.0 | 12.0 | 17.2% |__elpa1_MOD_mult_ah_b_complex
    ||   1.7% |   64.0 |  1.0 |  2.1% |gotoblas_zgemv_n_sandybridge
    ||   1.5% |   57.2 |  6.8 | 14.1% |__amd_bas64_log
    ||   1.4% |   51.5 |  5.5 | 12.9% |cuMemGetAttribute_v2
    ||   1.0% |   36.5 |  6.5 | 20.2% |__GI_memset
    |  12.0% |  444.8 |   -- |    -- |BLAS
    ||   4.4% |  161.5 | 63.5 | 37.6% |gotoblas_zgemm_kernel_n_sandybridge
    ||   2.6% |   94.8 |  5.2 |  7.0% |gotoblas_zgemm_kernel_l_sandybridge
    ||   2.2% |   82.0 | 12.0 | 17.0% |gotoblas_zgemm_kernel_r_sandybridge
    ||   1.4% |   53.5 | 27.5 | 45.3% |gotoblas_zgemm_otcopy_sandybridge
    |   6.5% |  239.2 |   -- |    -- |USER
    ||   1.7% |   62.5 |  3.5 |  7.1% |gsl_sf_bessel_J_CF1
    |   3.4% |  125.8 |   -- |    -- |PTHREAD
    ||   3.4% |  124.0 |  3.0 |  3.1% |pthread_join
  2. jg piccinali reporter
    scorep doesn't currently have support for C++11 std::thread as there is no
    standard way to instrument std::thread.
    If std::thread builds upon pthreads, then instrumenting with
    --thread=pthread *might* produce some results, but only if you link a
    static pthreads library (never tried). I won't encourage you to go this way.
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