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Comments (11)

  1. jg piccinali reporter

    NPB-BT - Scorep/1.3 (MPI/OPENMP)


    • make CLASS=A NPROCS=4 FFLAGS=-O3 F77="scorep --mpp=mpi --thread=omp ftn -fopenmp"
    • export SCOREP_TOTAL_MEMORY=500000000
    • export OMP_NUM_THREADS=2
    • aprun -n4 -d2 ./GNU.DAINT.A.4


    • make CLASS=A NPROCS=4 FFLAGS=-O3 F77="scorep --mpp=mpi --thread=omp ftn -mp"
    • export SCOREP_TOTAL_MEMORY=500000000
    • export OMP_NUM_THREADS=2
    • aprun -n4 -d2 ./PGI.DAINT.A.4


    • make CLASS=A NPROCS=4 FFLAGS=-O3 F77="scorep --mpp=mpi --thread=omp ftn -openmp"
    • export SCOREP_TOTAL_MEMORY=500000000
    • export OMP_NUM_THREADS=2
    • aprun -n4 -d2 ./INTEL.DAINT.A.4

    • export OMP_NUM_THREADS=4

    • aprun -n4 -d4 -j0 ./INTEL.DAINT.A.4


    • make CLASS=A NPROCS=4 FFLAGS=-O3 F77="scorep --mpp=mpi --thread=omp ftn -homp"
    • Ignore this warning:
    sh: /opt/cray/cce/8.3.2/cray-binutils/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/bin/nm: No such file or directory
    • export SCOREP_TOTAL_MEMORY=500000000
    • export OMP_NUM_THREADS=4
    • aprun -n4 -d4 -j0 ./CRAY.DAINT.A.4


  2. jg piccinali reporter

    SCOREP/1.3 (MPI only)


    CCE: module load PrgEnv-cray            # **cce/8.2.4**
    GNU: module swap PrgEnv-cray PrgEnv-gnu # **gcc/4.8.2**
    PGI: module swap PrgEnv-cray PrgEnv-pgi # **pgi/14.1.0**
    INTEL: module swap PrgEnv-cray PrgEnv-intel # **intel/**
    module load craype-accel-nvidia35 # CCE and GNU
    module load cudatoolkit   # PGI and INTEL
    module load scorep/1.3
    make clean
    make CLASS=A NPROCS=16 FFLAGS=-O3 F77="scorep --mpp=mpi ftn"


    • cd ../bin/ # $SCRATCH
    export SCOREP_ENABLE_TRACING=false
    export SCOREP_CUDA_ENABLE=no
    export SCOREP_TOTAL_MEMORY=314572800
    • salloc -N1
      CCE: aprun -j0 -n16 ./CRAY.DAINT.A.16
      GNU: aprun -j0 -n16 ./GNU.DAINT.A.16
      PGI: aprun -j0 -n16 ./PGI.DAINT.A.16
      INTEL: aprun -j0 -n16 ./INTEL.DAINT.A.16
    • exit
     NAS Parallel Benchmarks (NPB3.3-MZ-MPI) - BT-MZ MPI+OpenMP Benchmark
     Reading from input file
     Number of zones:   4 x   4
     Iterations:  25    dt:   0.000800
     Number of active processes:    16
     Use the default load factors with threads
     Calculated speedup =      4.87
     Time step    1
     Time step   10
     Time step   20
     Verification being performed for class A
     accuracy setting for epsilon =  0.1000000000000E-07
     NITER does not match the reference value of   200
     Comparison of RMS-norms of residual
     FAILURE:  1 0.3656822233387E+06 0.5536703889522E+05 0.5604691719757E+01
     FAILURE:  2 0.3552334550905E+05 0.5077835038405E+04 0.5995765959386E+01
     FAILURE:  3 0.7032268350906E+05 0.1067391361067E+05 0.5588275498011E+01
     FAILURE:  4 0.4091382037186E+05 0.6441179694972E+04 0.5351914138306E+01
     FAILURE:  5 0.2235228128313E+06 0.4371926324069E+05 0.4112684804425E+01
     Comparison of RMS-norms of solution error
     FAILURE:  1 0.2365939164986E+05 0.6716797714343E+04 0.2522421346610E+01
     FAILURE:  2 0.2058271812553E+04 0.6512687902160E+03 0.2160402960305E+01
     FAILURE:  3 0.4419027575145E+04 0.1332930740128E+04 0.2315271710757E+01
     FAILURE:  4 0.2764632766057E+04 0.7848302089180E+03 0.2522587095454E+01
     FAILURE:  5 0.1798319782741E+05 0.5429053878818E+04 0.2312399955648E+01
     Verification failed
     BT-MZ Benchmark Completed.
     Class           =                        A
     Size            =            128x  128x 16
     Iterations      =                       25
     Time in seconds =                     4.82
     Total processes =                       16
     Total threads   =                       16
     Mop/s total     =                  3792.47
     Mop/s/thread    =                   237.03
     Operation type  =           floating point
     Verification    =             UNSUCCESSFUL
     Version         =                    3.3.1
     Compile date    =              01 Sep 2014
     Compile options:
        F77          = ftn
        FLINK        = $(F77)
        FLINK        = $(F77)
        F_LIB        = (none)
        F_INC        = (none)
        FFLAGS       = -O1
        RAND         = (none)
     Please send all errors/feedbacks to:
     NPB Development Team



    • cube scorep-*/profile.cubex


    • export SCOREP_ENABLE_PROFILING=false
    • export SCOREP_ENABLE_TRACING=true
    • export SCOREP_TOTAL_MEMORY=314572800
    • salloc -N1
    • CCE: aprun -j0 -n16 ./CRAY.DAINT.A.16
    • GNU: aprun -j0 -n16 ./GNU.DAINT.A.16
    • PGI: aprun -j0 -n16 ./PGI.DAINT.A.16
    • INTEL: aprun -j0 -n16 ./INTEL.DAINT.A.16
    • exit
    • vampir83 scorep-*/traces.otf2
  3. jg piccinali reporter



    • make CLASS=A NPROCS=4 FFLAGS=-O3 F77="scorep --mpp=mpi --thread=omp ftn -fopenmp"


    • export SCOREP_ENABLE_TRACING=false
    • export SCOREP_TOTAL_MEMORY=314572800
    • aprun -n4 -N4 -d2 -j1 ./GNU.SANTIS.A.4
    • square scorep-20150820_1434_629451849381883/profile.cubex cubegnu08202015.png

    TRACING (Vampir)

    • export SCOREP_ENABLE_PROFILING=false
    • export SCOREP_ENABLE_TRACING=true
    • aprun -n4 -N4 -d2 -j1 ./GNU.SANTIS.A.4
    • vampir850 scorep-20150820_1442_629964033662162/traces.otf2 vampirgnu20150820.png

    TRACING (Scalasca)

    • export SCOREP_ENABLE_PROFILING=false
    • export SCOREP_ENABLE_TRACING=true
    • export SCOREP_TOTAL_MEMORY=355MB
    • scan -t aprun -n 4 -N 4 -d 2 -j1 ./GNU.SANTIS.A.4
    S=C=A=N: Thu Aug 20 19:33:47 2015: Collect done (status=0) 7s
    S=C=A=N: Thu Aug 20 19:33:47 2015: Analyze start
    /opt/cray/alps/5.2.1-2.0502.9041.11.6.ari/bin/aprun -n 4 -N 4 -d 2 /apps/daint/5.2.UP02/scalasca/2.2.2/gnu482...
    SCOUT   Copyright (c) 1998-2015 Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH
            Copyright (c) 2009-2014 German Research School for Simulation Sciences GmbH
    Analyzing experiment archive ./scorep_GNU_4p4x2_trace/traces.otf2
    Opening experiment archive ... done (0.011s).
    Reading definition data    ... done (0.017s).
    Reading event trace data   ... done (3.367s).
    Preprocessing              ... done (1.827s).
    Analyzing trace data       ... done (11.385s).
    Writing analysis report    ... done (0.476s).
    Max. memory usage         : 878.684MB
    Total processing time     : 17.686s
    Application 168399 resources: utime ~131s, stime ~3s, Rss ~899772, inblocks ~2603663, outblocks ~62910
    S=C=A=N: Thu Aug 20 19:34:09 2015: Analyze done (status=0) 22s
    Warning: 1.231GB of analyzed trace data retained in ./scorep_GNU_4p4x2_trace/traces!
    S=C=A=N: ./scorep_GNU_4p4x2_trace complete.
    real 28.97
    • square scorep_GNU_4p4x2_trace gnu-scalascaT-08202015.png
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