Generate worklog reports, per project, per project-user

Issue #10 wontfix
Mike Hammond created an issue

Great app, definitely improves on what is currently available in Vanilla JIRA. Perhaps this is already implemented, and I just haven't found it, but I'm missing the ability to generate reports per project, per project-user.

If I generate a report on the project, I get the total time spent, per ticket, but cannot see who made the worklog entries.

Currently, it seems that as manager role, I'd need to perform individual queries, per employee, to retrieve all applicable worklogs.

We're required to report on the indivdual worklogs, for specific projects. That's not a problem when the development team is small, but isn't sustainable for larger teams.

The improvement I'm suggesting would be a feature that allows manager roles to generate reports containing worklogs for all relevant project users, to make reporting on larger projects, or larger teams easier.

Comments (2)

  1. Johannes Heger repo owner

    Mike, thank you for using the add-on. Initially, I coded the add-on to ease time tracking for my colleagues and me. It is simple, and therefore of limited features. But for free. Your request is about time sheets, which is more complicated than I can offer. I'm not going to implement any kind of time sheets, sorry for that. Best regards, Johannes

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