Please let me know how to allow worklog only for today and yesterday.

Issue #15 wontfix
Mrityunjay Kumar created an issue

Please let me know how to allow worklog only for today and yesterday.

Comments (8)

  1. Johannes Heger repo owner

    Thank you for your interest in a new feature. Maybe I can implement an additional "Block before N days" feature. Let me think about this. Should this respect weekends? This means, a user could log work on Monday for the Friday before? Or would it be sufficient to give the user 3 days back to incorporate any weekend? Think about holidays like Eastern or Christmas. I can't implement a holiday calendar. Could be possible end of April. Let me come back to you then, ok? Best regards, Johannes

  2. Mrityunjay Kumar reporter


    Thank you for the help. If we can have option for number of days configurable along with option to consider only working days or not. I will help for both options.

  3. Johannes Heger repo owner

    Hello, I can't consider only working days because of local holidays. I won't implement this. I hope for your appreciation about this. Best regards, Johannes

  4. Mrityunjay Kumar reporter
    • changed status to open

    Please make it configurable to select holidays or with holidays.Please consider this change .

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