Unable to clear filter

Issue #16 closed
eric.mcvicker@iridium.com created an issue

I applied a filter based on a project that we use that shows issues by rank for an open sprint. It causes TROCK to just display 'error' on the screen and there's no way to modify the filter-id, and modification of the filter to show all data is not working either.

I cannot clear the filterId now and am no longer able to use the plugin.

Comments (7)

  1. Johannes Heger repo owner


    sorry for this! This is the first time I'm hearing about this. So let’s encircle the issue.

    1. What versions of Jira and Trock do you use?

    2. I assume we're talking about the „Personal filter“ configuration in the user setting? Or the "quick filter" present directly on the Logged Work page? Did you use a filter before, and it worked? Or is this the first time you used it?

    3. Did you make a Trock update, and have the issue after the update?

    4. If you see „error“: Check in a 2nd browser tab with e. g. your dashboard if you’re still logged in.

    5. Login and call Logged Work page in a different browser. Your selected filter should be saved on server side. Your Jira session in a different browser should recall this setting. Still „error“?

    6. In browser you see „error", make a „hard reload“ of the Trock Logged Work page: On Firefox and Chrome, this is CTRL+F5 on Win, or Command+Shift+r on Mac. „error“ still there?

    7. Open the browser's Developer Tools. In Firefox and Chrome, this is F12 on Windows, and Option+Command+i on Mac. Select the Console tab. Make a hard reload of the Logged Work page. In Console, look for errors (normally written in red). Could you send me a screenshot of the error(s)?

    8. For more insight, a HAR file would be helpful. But that contains the issues’ summary (think about that / review it before you attach it or send it to me). You can create the HAR file in Developer Tools: Select Network tab, make hard reload, right click in the Networks output, and the menu will show something like „save as HAR file“ (depends on the browser).

    9. Switch on TROCKs server side logging: gg | logging | Default loggers | Configure logging… add package jh.atlassian.jira.timetracking and set to DEBUG. In browser, make a hard reload of the Logged Work page. Are there ERROR level logs, or some suspicious?

  2. eric.mcvicker@iridium.com reporter

    I'll do my best to answer your questions:

    1. Jira Version was 7.12.3, TROCK I downloaded today so it's version: 3.0.2
    2. I was using a 'Quick Filter' that I had developed some time ago to view only active issues for a given sprint. The JQL was: project in ("PRJ") AND Sprint in openSprints() ORDER BY Rank
    3. This was the first time I installed TROCK, so there wasn't any update.
    4. I couldn't do that because the plugin was blocking my ability to enter time within issues. So the plugin had to be disabled.
    5. The error occurs regardless of logging out, fresh browser window, modifying the filter to be empty allowing all issues to be matched, etc.
    6. Yes, even with a hard reload, the error persisted.

    For the remaining items I will have to deal with those when the server isn't actively used. It's a production system.

    I did do the REST query, and was hoping that I could use a rest call to remove the filterId or what not, and allow the plugin to get back to a working configuration. I couldn't find any documentation for that though.

  3. eric.mcvicker@iridium.com reporter

    2.6.2 Cleared up the issue, thanks. The only thing missing that I’d like to see, which isn’t a bug, is a breakout by user of time for each day (from the managers view).

    Anyhow, thank you for the quick responses!

  4. Johannes Heger repo owner

    OK Eric, thanks for your feedback. Your request about the breakout by user of time for each day slightly exceeds the intention (and my time) of this add-on, so I won't implement this. Hope for you appreciation about this. Best regards, Johannes

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