Related to Issue #37 NEW

Issue #38 closed
Jordi Romera Aguila created an issue

Regarding incident 37 I want to point out that these users can register work but what they cannot see is the 'Logged Work' since the blank screen appears and the word 'Error' appears. I also send you a file with the logs.

Comments (6)

  1. Johannes Heger repo owner


    I can reproduce your log-output pretty close. I did this in Jira 8.17 with Trock 3.0.9, but this doesn't matter. I guess the problem is something about a workflow. Do you remember updating a workflow the last days with a workflow property?

    The correct property should be, but I think is in your workflow

    Let me explain the correct and the erroneous behavior. Let's imagine we have

    • The workflow Workflow_1 with status Open and Done
    • Issue AA-1, with has Workflow_1
    • We intend to prevent logging work in status Done.

    The correct behavior:

    • Set (the well configured) to the status Done, publish the workflow change. This prevents logging work in the status Done. In this case, the issue's More > Log Work option is absent in status Done.
    • AA-1 is in status Open. Log work on  issue AA-1. This works as expected.
    • Open Trock's Logged Work in a new browser tab. It shows the issue AA-1 with the logged work.
    • Open the browser tab with the issue AA-1.
    • Set status to Done.
    • Click More…, the option Log Work is absent because of the property.
    • Open Trock's Logged Work, do not refresh or reload the page!
    • Log work on AA-1. At this time, Trock doesn't know the fact it cannot log work on AA-1. Trock shows:

    * Close the message. This message is expected at this time. It has nothing to do with your issue. * Make a refresh with key R or by reloading the page. * Hover the row for AA-1. The mouse pointer doesn't change. From now on you can't log work in Logged Work.

    The erroneous behavior:

    • Set (the misconfiguration) to the status Done, publish the workflow change. This prevents logging work in the status Done. In this case, the issue's More > Log Work option also is absent.
    • AA-1 is in status Open. Log work on issue AA-1. This works as expected.
    • Open Trock's Logged Work in a new browser tab. It shows the issue AA-1 with the logged work.
    • Open the browser tab with the issue AA-1.
    • Set status to Done.
    • Click More…, the option Log Work is absent because of the property (despite the fact the property name is wrong).
    • Open Trock's Logged Work, do not refresh or reload the page!
    • Log work on AA-1. At this time, Trock doesn't know the fact it cannot log work on AA-1. In contrast to the first example, Trock shows something different:

    * Close the error message. Jira show the empty page with the text “error”:

    You can provoke a similar log-output without Trock: Open AA-1 in two browser tabs, both in status Open. In one browser tab, set the status to Done. In the other tab log some work.

    Please let me know if I’m on the right path here or not. If not we’ll proceed on your problem

    Kind regards, Johannes

  2. Jordi Romera Aguila reporter

    Good morning Johannes,

    I have updated some workflow but I don't know if they had any properties. Even if I have modified a workflow I have not touched its properties.
    It is strange because there are 5 users who cannot view their logged work (although they can log work).
    Can you keep helping us? Can there be some other cause?
    Thank you very much and we are in contact.

  3. Johannes Heger repo owner

    Hello Jordi,

    yes we can proceed on this. You can check three things.

    A ) Reproduce the error without Trock

    1. Disable Trock
    2. Open the atlassian-jira.log
    3. Choose an affected issue. Let's say AA-1.
    4. Set AA-1 to the initial status, e. g. Open.
    5. Open AA-1 in two browser tabs tab-A and tab-B.
    6. In tab-B, set the status od AA-1 to a final status, e. g. Done.
    7. In tab-A log some work.
    8. Do you see the error message in the atlassian-jira.log?

    B ) Log work by REST API

    1. Choose an affected issue. Let's say AA-1.
    2. Set AA-1 to a final status.
    3. Log work by REST, replace <user>, <pass>, and <your issue>.
    4. curl -u <user>:<pass> -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST "<jira-url>/rest/api/2/issue/<your issue>/worklog" -d '{"comment":"TROCK ISSUE #37 TEST","started":"2021-06-23T00:00:00.000+0000","timeSpentSeconds":37000}'
    5. Do you see the error message in the atlassian-jira.log?

    C ) Have a look at the workflow

    1. Look what workflow is used by the affected issues. Go to gg 'workflow' and export the workflow to XML.
    2. Open the workflow-XML, and serach for 'jira.permission'. I assume you'll find something like: <meta name="">denied</meta>
    3. What exactly did you find?

    You wrote “there are 5 users who cannot view their logged work “ and I assume you mean in Trock, and I can reproduce that. I’ll look into this.

    Kind regards, Johannes

  4. Jordi Romera Aguila reporter

    Hello Johannes. Thank you very much for your help. As you said, finally the problem was that in the property of the status 'Closed' it was misspelled. Correctly it is = denied, but in my flow it was written = denied.
    Thank you!

  5. Johannes Heger repo owner

    Jordi, thank you for your feedback! If you have any more issues, don't hesitate to contact me. Kind regards, Johannes

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