I am not able to save TROCK config

Issue #41 closed
Kristián Partl created an issue

I got problem with saving TROCK configuration, I want to edit groups.
But I am not able to save, there is an Update button after I click on that button, the site will refresh but config will not save.

Comments (2)

  1. Johannes Heger repo owner


    could you provide me some information:

    1. What version of Jira do you use?
    2. What version of Trock do you use?
    3. In what browser did this happen?
    4. Does this happen in other browsers?
    5. Does this happen at other admin-users?
    6. Was the Trock admin-configuration already working before and is this the first time your error occured? Or is this the first time ever you tried to configure the groups?
    7. Did you update Jira or Trock recently?
    8. Is there any suspicious message in the atlassian-jira.log, specially from package jh.atlassian.jira.timetrackingwhen saving the Trock-config?
    9. Is there any suspicious message in the browser’s development panel saving the Trock config (you can open it by F12 in most browsers, then select the tab Console)?
    10. Does a Jira-group have non-ASCII characters?

    Kind regards, Johannes

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