Loaded Trock - Menu option shows under user profile but no logged time displayed.

Issue #49 closed
Russell Shirley created an issue

We just downloaded and installed TROCK with great excitement. .

Like the intuitive placement and easy for a user to see where time has been logged.

We are on Jira Server =Jira Software 9.1.0

Cant seem to get the hours to populate.
What I have done so far.

  1. Installed.
  2. logged time to a couple items
  3. Go to Trock under person > logged work
  4. Filtered for this week

Uninstalled and reinstalled.
Tried manager view for others..
Filters will show items but no time for anyone..

Let me know how I can help troubleshoot this further as trock shows great promise.

Comments (7)

  1. Russell Shirley reporter

    Might be extreme… but we restarted Jira mid-day to see if it resolved the issue - no luck.. still no hours.

    I thought it might be something corrupted but EazyBI still can extract hours to their cube so (suggests) time log tables are still solid. (famous last words)

    We run about 110-120 employees in Jira today.. ( sizing scope)

  2. Johannes Heger repo owner

    Let’s start with some top-level checks.

    A) Most simple check:

    • Do: You already logged work.
    • Do: No Trock admin-configs, means: Admin > Trock > Config > "Manager View" is empty. This is to make sure the Manager view settings is not the cause.
    • Do: No user settings on page "Logged Work", means: a) cog icon > "User Configuration" > "Favourite Filter" is empty, and b) "Project or Saved Filter" is empty. Radio buttons "Favourite Filter" and input field "Logged work of user" are not displayed (because of no Trock Manager View config).
    • Do: Reload Trock Logged Work page.
    • Expect: Trock Logged Work page should display your logged work. (But I think it won't because you filed this issue).

    B) Check for errors:

    • Do: Server side: Open atlassian-jira.log
    • Do: Client side (web browser): Open the Development Panel (F12 > tab "Console").

    • Do: Reload Trock Logged Work page.

    • Check: Are there any errors in the atlassian-jira.log file regarding the Java package jh.atlassian.jira.timetracking?

    • Check: Are there any errors in the Development Panel's Console?

    C) Check for conflicting user-installed add-ons

    Trock is sensitive to some user-installed add-ons.

    • Do: Set Jira into Save Mode (*1)
    • Do: Then just re-enable Trock
    • Do: Reload Trock Logged Work page.
    • Check: Does Trock show yout logged work on page logged Work?
    • If Trock works as the only enabled add-on: Re-enable one add-on after the other and reload Trock Logged Work page in between. Maybe there is one add-on installed Trock is conflicting with. What add-on is it, what version?
    • Leave Save Mode (*1).

    *1) Save Mode:

    Enter Save Mode: Go to Admin > Manage Apps > at the bottom there is a link "Enter safe mode". This disables all user-installed add-ons.
    Leave Save Mode: Go to Admin > Manage Apps > at the top there is a link "Exit safe mode and restore previous configuration".

    D) What database type do you use (Postgres, MySQL, Oracle)?

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