Custom time range

Issue #5 resolved
Former user created an issue


I installed Trock yesterday and I'm impressed with the chart view it presents, it's almost exactly what I needed. One thing missing though is the ability to specify a start date and end date for the logged work report. Is there a way to do this that I'm missing?


Comments (12)

  1. Johannes Heger repo owner

    Hi Dave, thank you! Not out of the box. I'm investigating how to implement this. Should be possible and result in a new feature the next couple of weeks. Kind regards, Johannes

  2. David Griffin

    Jo, thanks for implementing that so quickly. Your timing is excellent. I'm just about to write up a Sprint report, which is what I need this feature for. I'll download and install the rc1 and provide feedback in the next day or so. Best regards Dave

  3. David Griffin

    Jo, I installed the rc1 plugin and used it as documented to set a custom date range covering my sprint period and set a filter that listed only the tasks in my sprint. The resulting view is just what I needed. I checked the work logged totals with a standard month view and the same filter, manually subtracted work logged outside of the sprint period and compared the values and they were correct. Looks to me like you've nailed it. Great work.

    The only minor issue I spotted was the first time I returned to the Month view after setting a Custom date range, the month selected was July 2017. I corrected this to July 2018, went back to Custom, then back to Month and it remembered the month I had selected July 2018.

    I have a couple of other suggestions for you that would make this is an even more useful tool for sprint work reporting: 1. Add a column between the Task and Sum columns that contains the tasks 'Remaining Estimate' at the start date of the selected date range. This would allow the reader to see what work was planned on each task vs what was actually logged against each task (helps with learning to improve estimates in future sprints). NOTE: You cannot use 'Original Estimate' here, as the task may have carried over from a previous sprint. 2. Add the facility to export the view to a CSV file.

    Thanks again for your quick turnaround of this feature. If there is any other tests you'd like me to perform on rc1, let me know and I'll see what I can do.

  4. Johannes Heger repo owner

    David, many thanks again for your suggestion about custom time range. It was a pleasure to implement this. Please find the version 2.4.0 at the marketplace. I'll keep an eye on your other suggestions. CSV export was also requested by collegues. Jo

  5. David Griffin

    Jo, I am pleased to hear the feature improvements are still coming. I'm certainly keen to try out the CSV export. I'll download rc1 and give it a try as soon as I can, but it may be a week or so before I can get back to you with any comments/results.

  6. Johannes Heger repo owner

    David, I released 2.5.0 with new feature "CSV export" to get my desk clean for new work. Your feedback is always appreciated. Best regards, Jo

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