run SkyNet on Stampede2

Issue #5 resolved
Former user created an issue

I have correctly compiled ("CMake") and installed ("make -j4 install") SkyNet on my Stampede2 work directory. Then I couldn't pass the step of "make test". (see attached screenshots "1" and "2")

I guess I was because I didn't install movie-related softwares (e.g. cairo, ffmpeg)? These are not among the modules supported by Stampede2, so I just can't install them.

Nevertheless, I moved on and tried running the "" script in "examples". The error message says some symbol related to Cairo is not defined. (see attached screenshot "3")

My whole plan is to look at the r-process nuclear synthesis for a given density-time table that I computed elsewhere. After reading through the entire repository and the paper on ApJS, I couldn't find a tutorial on how to implement the calculation.

Wenbin Lu (a postdoc at Caltech)

Comments (3)

  1. Jonas Lippuner repo owner

    It looks like the required libraries (Cairo, ffmpeg, etc) were found by CMake during the configuration phase, which is why the capability to make movies was enabled. Now the libraries are not found at run-time, and so SkyNet doesn't work. Can you try the following? Delete the entire build directory, run the cmake command again, this time adding -DENABLE_MOVIE=no to the other flags. Please make sure that the CMake output says making movies: disabled near the bottom. Then run make -j4 install again followed by make test.

    If there are still failing tests, please run the test individually. To do this, go into the tests directory inside the build directory, then into the directory of the test that failed, and run the executable directly. Running the test directly (rather than through make test produces more output and might show a helpful error message. An alternative is to run ctest -V in the build directory, which will run all tests with verbose output.

    Please let me know how it goes.

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