Error: loading of the mesh failed for unknown reason.

Issue #3 new
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I am trying to load an extracted mesh cr_frigh1.mdb from the Witcher 1, and am seeing the following error:

Reading file 'D:/GOG/The Witcher Enhanced Edition/Utilities/Extracted BIF/main key/meshes00/cr_frigh1.mdb'... Error : loading of the mesh failed for unknown reason.

Note: I extracted the mesh using the built in BIF extractor from main.key. I am able to load some of the other meshes that were extracted, but not this one.

Comments (1)

  1. Jean-Louis Boudrand repo owner

    Yes, this part of the code is mainly a quick adaptation of the code of the Xoreos Engine. I don't master this code well so I havn't a quick fix for this

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