Google indexes Uploaded resumes.

Issue #629 open
Todd Krause created an issue

Installed on site for customer. and resumes were being index by google. Request a custom upload folder that can be locked with out WP login. I have omitted the media post type form the sitemap.xml and set robots.txt to ignore /wp-content/uploads/. This is not ideal for SEO.

Ideally would like applications to load into a seperate folder only accessible from WP admin or a keyed link.

Comments (3)

  1. Thomas Townsend

    This is a known issue for quite some time. We took over the plugin in late summer and many other pressing issues to resolve first. This is not an easy fix and we are making steady but slow progress on a fix but it will require a DB migration for all users and that's why its taking a while. The original Bug ID# is 326 so this as many other is a DUPLICATE

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