Export giving an unhelpful error message

Issue #2 resolved
Former user created an issue

I'm exporting a very simple Adobe XD project and I get an error:


During the export of your selected elements errors occurred.


Comments (9)

  1. Johannes Pichler repo owner

    It is ment to export groups of elements or single elements, not a complete multi artboard project ;)

  2. Johannes Pichler repo owner

    Is it resolved for you? if not please reply, otherwise I will close the issue tomorrow.

  3. kevin page

    I get the same exact error when selecting the elements on 1 artboard.

    I was in Design view as well.

  4. kevin page

    ah - when I tried again, selecting 1 element on the artboard it worked...then tried again doing what I had done at first - selecting ALL the elements on the artboard and it worked this time. Weird...like it had glitched or something.

  5. Johannes Pichler repo owner

    @ocelot77 would you be so kind and show me some screenshots of your steps, to reproduce the error?

  6. Johannes Pichler repo owner

    Actually, we came across, that is is an issue with the layer naming. Please name the layers, like the component should be named, with out special Chars. e.g.

    MyHero will become MyHeroComponent.js

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