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cosmosis / default_modules / constant_bias_1

constant_bias module

Apply a galaxy bias constant with k and z.

Name: constant_bias

File: cosmosis-standard-library/bias/constant_bias/

Version: 1


  • CosmoSIS Team





  • Galaxy bias constant with k and z


Galaxy bias relates the distribution of galaxies to the underlying (dark) matter
field whose skeleton they trace.

The matter power spectrum of galaxies is related to that of matter by a bias:

P_gal(k,z) = b^2(k,z,...) P_m(k,z)

where the most general bias is a function of wavenumber k, redshift z, galaxy type,
and a whole host of other values. Realistic bias models can be complicated; the purpose
of this module is to act as a placeholder, usually when testing pipelines or forecasting.

In this module, b is just a single constant number. It generates the galaxy power and
matter-galaxy cross-power from the non-linear power spectrum.

Optionally, if it finds you have generated the matter-intrinsic alignment cross-power,
it will calculate the galaxy-intrinsic cross power from it.


These parameters can be set in the module's section in the ini parameter file.
If no default is specified then the parameter is required.

Parameter Description


These parameters and data are inputs to the module, either supplied as parameters by the sampler or computed by some previous module. They are loaded from the data block.

Section Parameter Description
galaxy_bias b Real, constant galaxy bias.
matter_power_nl k_h 1D real vector, wavenumber in h/Mpc
z 1D real vector, redshift
P_k 2D real vector, nonlinear matter power
matter_intrinsic_power k_h 1D real vector, optional, wavenumber in h/Mpc
z 1D real vector, optional, redshift
P_k 2D real vector, optional, nonlinear matter power


These parameters and data are computed as outputs from the module

Section Parameter Description
galaxy_power k_h 1D real vector, wavenumber in h/Mpc
z 1D real vector, redshift
P_k 2D real vector, galaxy power
matter_galaxy_power k_h 1D real vector, wavenumber in h/Mpc
z 1D real vector, redshift
P_k 2D real vector, matter-galaxy cross power
galaxy_intrinsic_power k_h 1D real vector, only if matter_intrinsic_power found, wavenumber in h/Mpc
z 1D real vector, only if matter_intrinsic_power found, optional, redshift
P_k 2D real vector, only if matter_intrinsic_power found, optional, nonlinear matter power
