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cosmosis / default_modules / wl_spectra_ppf_1.0

wl_spectra_ppf module

Compute weak lensing C_ell from P(k,z) and MG D(k,z) with the Limber integral

Name: wl_spectra_ppf

File: cosmosis-standard-library/shear/spectra-ppf/

Version: 1.0


  • CosmoSIS team
  • Matt Becker





  • The Limber integral is valid on the scales in question


DEPRECATED: You should use the module cosmosis-standard-library/structure/projection_ppf/ instead.

This variant of the wl_spectra module includes modified gravity
via the phenomenological D(k,z) which modifies the lensing kernel.
Compare equations 33 and 34 of

Intrinsic alignments under modified gravity are not correctly
supported; please use intrinsic_alignments=F

The Limber approximation integrates a 3D power spectrum over the radial
direction to get a 2D angular power spectrum. It is an approximation
which is only valid on smaller scales.

C_\ell = A \int_0^{\chi_1} W_1(\chi) W_2(\chi) P(k=l/\chi, z(\chi)) / chi^2 d\chi

The full integral must integrate over k(\ell) also.

For weak lensing, the power spectrum is the matter power spectrum and the two
kernel functions W depend on the redshift bins being used and the geometry.

Parts of this code and the underlying implementation of limber are based on cosmocalc:


These parameters can be set in the module's section in the ini parameter file.
If no default is specified then the parameter is required.

Parameter Description
n_ell Integer; number of log-spaced ell values to compute
ell_min Real; minimum ell value to compute
ell_max Real; maximum ell value to compute


These parameters and data are inputs to the module, either supplied as parameters by the sampler or computed by some previous module. They are loaded from the data block.

Section Parameter Description
modified_gravity k_h real vector; k/h sample points for D(k,z)
z real vector; z sample points for D(k,z)
D real 2D array; D(k,z) values at sample points
cosmological_parameters omega_m Real; density fraction of all matter; used in the prefactor
h0 Real; hubble factor H0 / 100 km/s/Mpc.
distances z real vector; redshift values of distance samples
d_m real vector; comoving distnace to redshift values in units of Mpc (no factor h)
matter_power_nl z real vector; redshift values of P(k,z) samples
k_h real vector; k values of P(k,z) samples in units of Mpc/h
P_k real 2d array; non-linear matter power spectrum at samples in (Mpc/h)^{-3}
wl_number_density nbin integer; number of redshift bins
z real vector; redshift values of n(z) samples
bin_ real_vector; bin n(z) values. Need not be normalized. bin_1, bin_2, bin_3, ....


These parameters and data are computed as outputs from the module

Section Parameter Description
shear_cl ell Sample ell values for output C_ell
nbin Number of redshift bins used
bin_i_j C_ell (no l(l+1) factor) for (auto-correlation) bin i and j. Only stores j<=i.
