Ver 0.4.0 - WebThing Library (AUTO-LOAD) Error (Probably also valid for other LIBs)

Issue #113 resolved
Turgut Guneysu created an issue

With the v079 firmware manually loaded onto WEMOS 8266, “define thing” produces this error:

Comments (6)

  1. Turgut Guneysu reporter
    • changed status to open

    I am reporting another related issue, so I had to REOPEN this item.

    When I load an old WEB THINGS program, it brings in the OLD version of the Web Things blocks, BUT NOT the new ones. So it creates a mixed environment, causing this type of error messages.

    If the NEW version of the Web Things library is loaded, and the OLD program is loaded, it overwrites the new Web Things library and loads the OLD one back, but produces errors when executed.

    OLD program loaded, the Web Thing library display:

    I have to select the Web Thing library again and reload it to get the new version:


    Either scan for non-existing / invalid blocks in the program at load time and report a Library error,


    Don’t allow auto-load of the OLD Web Things library when loading OLD programs.


    Is it possible to implement a block version number scheme to disallow older versions ?


    I am assuming this library auto-load issue is valid with any other library as well.

  2. Bernat Romagosa

    Hi Turgut.

    The old WebThing library is not supported in 0.4.0, as you found out.

    For this past month I’ve been working on a library system that will address problems like these. I’m closing this issue for now because it’s already being worked on.

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