Features Request

Issue #127 resolved
Geek created an issue

I wanted to propose a few features:

  • Stepper motors
  • LCD Display 16x2
  • The possibility of establishing a fixed IP, for networks that are not assigned by DHCP

Thank you

Comments (7)

  1. John Maloney repo owner

    Check out the existing stepper motor library, “ED1 Stepper Motor”. It may work with other stepper motors with some modification.

    There are many LCD displays out there; which one did you have in mind?

    I’m not sure it’s possible to assign a fixed IP address to a WiFi device. However, if it is, it would be something you’d configure in your router – probably some sort of mapping based on the MAC address of your board. A bit of Googling should be able to answer those questions…

  2. Geek reporter
    In the  ESP8266 it is possible to assign a fixed IP.
    I suppose also in ESP32.
    In other MCU I ignore it.
    Regarding the 16x2 LCD, I suppose it is better that I adapt to the I2C models ;)

  3. John Maloney repo owner

    Good to know that it IS possible to assign a fixed IP address. I’ve added that as a feature request (#138) but I can promise that it will get added, or when.

    Meanwhile, I’ve found that my router doesn’t change the IP address of a board if the board does some sort of IP activity every so often – for example, if it make an HTTP request every hour or so. I have an ESP32 board in my basement to let me control my furnace via WiFi. Using the “periodic ping” technique it has kept the same IP address for many months.

  4. John Maloney repo owner

    Support for a fixed IP address has been added and will be in the next release (v1.0.1) which should come out in the next week or two. That release will also include a library for a 16x2 LCD display. Thanks for the suggestions!

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