http block - From 0.5.0

Issue #131 resolved
Geek created an issue


Since 0.5.0 when using the http block to access an intranet server it gives an error or accesses only the root page.
On the internet it works well.
Note: I use NodeMCU (ESP8266)


Comments (3)

  1. John Maloney repo owner

    Sorry it’s not working. You’ll need to do some more experiments to figure out what’s going on.

    It could be that there are page redirects happening on the server you’re trying to access. For example, might be redirecting HTTP requests to HTTPS. Browser handle such re-directs but the MicroBlocks HTTP support is super simple; it doesn’t handle redirects or HTTPS.

    Another possible problem is that your WiFI router is blocking connections to other hosts on the same local network . I ran into that issue when I was testing the MicroBlocks HTTP system in a cafe. If that’s the problem then two laptops on that network would not be able to see each other either. The solution is to either change the WiFi router settings to disable that feature or to find a more open WiFi network. I found that my local libraries WiFi allows peer-to-peer connections, as does my home WiFi router. However, most cafe WiFi’s block peer-to-peer connections (which is actually a good idea).

    Good luck!

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