WebApp: Does not display Program Name

Issue #144 resolved
Turgut Guneysu created an issue

As described.

Also, when SAVE is selected:

  • the file operations window comes up with no name pre-filled.
  • File location window is set to an irrelevant location, unless a previous SAVE was done.

Probably related to the no name .

Comments (3)

  1. John Maloney repo owner

    This is two issues:

    1. Program name not displayed – Good point. We need to change the UI to show this within the MicroBlocks UI since we can’t change the window title in browser.
    2. File location window is set to an irrelevant location – unfortunately, that isn’t under our control; it’s controlled by the Chrome browser. They are still refining the “Native File API” so there may eventually be a way to do this, but right now its not possible.

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