Problem with "Plug in to share"

Issue #157 resolved
connochaetes created an issue


Thanks for the newest developments regarding “”. I’ve got a problem with “Plug in to share”. I just tried out this feature following the video from the main page of your website. It just didn’t work. I didn’t see any other problems.

I’m using a Debian system with a local installation of version 0.6.9. Additionaly, I ran MicroBlocks in a Chrome browser.

Do I have to make change the settings at first?


Comments (5)

  1. John Maloney repo owner

    To use that feature, start MicroBlocks and, before plugging in your board, select “Open from board” from the open menu. It will prompt you to plug in your board.

    Sorry that the video on the front page was misleading; it is only meant to let people know that the feature exists, not how to use it. We should write a “How To” for that feature and maybe link to it from the home page.

  2. connochaetes reporter

    Thank you. It’s working just fine. Sorry for bothering you. The field “Open from board” is in fact quite easy to find.

  3. Bernat Romagosa

    Hi, John.

    I agree with this user, though. I did like the old behavior and I think we should re-enable it.

    It doesn't hurt to load what's on the board when the IDE fires up or when the project is empty, does it? If anything, it can avoid loss of code :)

  4. John Maloney repo owner

    This behavior could be super confusing to users in lower grades, especially when the same micro:bit is used by students in different classes so the last code on the board is unlikely to be anything the student has ever seen before. However, having this behavior available as an option for experienced users seems fine (disabled by default, of course).

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