Open From Board - Long delay without feeedback

Issue #165 resolved
Turgut Guneysu created an issue


Decompiler works great with ESP boards on the browser version as well, as of ver 1.0.0 that I have tested.

However, it can take upwards of a minute while it is doing its magic. And there is no indication of anything on screen other than that the USB port has NOT gone GREEN yet !

Any possibility to display a message in the IDE saying “code recovery is in progress…” or something like that.

I gave up many times thinking it was not working. Only when one looks into the dev console display, one sees the message “decompiler read x vars y chunks” and realizes it is actually working. And then some more while later blocks pop up on screen.

Comments (3)

  1. Bernat Romagosa

    That is actually a very good point, Turgut.

    I’ll refactor the “uploading firmware” animation so we can also use it while PlugShare is running.

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