[Snap!] display problem

Issue #17 closed
connochaetes created an issue

Using MicroBlocks is fun. Thank you for your work. I keep in mind, that it is still in an early, experimental state. - I am experiencing a browser independent problem. From time to time (for me, it 's not reproducable), there is a display problem concerning the category icons at the top of the palette area: The Micro:bit icon is not visible. Sadly, I cannot find an easy way for a quick restart with the correct display.



Comments (6)

  1. Bernat Romagosa

    Thanks for reporting this, I've come across this bug too and I need to investigate why it happens.

    I will be back to working on the Snap! version soon, I promise. We first need to rebuild the websockets connector from the ground up, so it may take a little bit until we can release something usable. In the meantime, the standalone IDE is proving to work very well, so I suggest you use that one until we're ready to call the Snap! one alpha :)

  2. connochaetes reporter

    Thank you! I appreciate your effort, and I am quite aware, that you have to solve problems step by step starting with the standalone version. Please keep in mind, that the "Snap!" integration seems very attractive to many people.

  3. connochaetes reporter

    BTW: Any new insights regarding this issue? A quick & dirty approach would be great for the moment. For me, it 's not clear, if this issue is something fundamental or just a visibility problem. --- And: Yes, I 'm aware that the Snap!version is experimental. It 's just so much fun, exploring the combination of Snap! and the Micro Bit.

  4. connochaetes reporter

    I just tested the Snap! version. Gladly, the mentioned bug was no longer there. Since I don 't know the reason, I can only hope that this state will be stable. Anyway, thanks for the development in progress.

    • This issue can be closed.
  5. Bernat Romagosa

    Glad to know! There have been changes in the VM that may have helped minimize this issue. John is now working on a new connector, so 2019 will bring lots of changes in the Snap! side of things 😉

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