micro:bit Example - Radio Texting

Issue #174 resolved
Turgut Guneysu created an issue

The program does not restrict input to 19 characters which is the limit for the radio messages, or implement a buffered transmission of all the characters in groups of 19.

As such, if the message is longer than 19 bytes, it is not received completely at the other end.

Comments (4)

  1. John Maloney repo owner

    True. I’ll pass this feedback on to Kathy Giori, but the code is already pretty complex and we want to encourage people to explore and improve it so we may decide to must live with that restriction.

  2. Kathy Giori

    I could easily add a check for 19 char “msg2send” length and block new additions if that’s the case. I’ll send an example of such a change over email.

  3. John Maloney repo owner

    We'll leave this addition as an excercise for the learner. Activity cards are just meant to demonstrate an idea, not to be polished applications.

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