NEW LIST length and NEW BYTE ARRAY initial values

Issue #181 resolved
Turgut Guneysu created an issue

Hi John,

Is it feasible to request the addition of initial value options to the two blocks in the title field ?

Maybe as a black triangle that opens up as an option and one can specify the value to be used for all the entries in the lists / array elements.

Since there is no MAP operation in microBlocks, as in SNAP!, it will save an iteration loop over the structures.

Bernat had submitted a partial Strings and Lists utilities library. However, there are no updates to it yet.

Comments (4)

  1. John Maloney repo owner

    You can easily set all the values of a list or byte array using the “replace” block:

    The String library has been published (in the “Other” folder) and has been extended since the initial version that Bernat posted.

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