Rename block

Issue #186 resolved
Geek created an issue

in a custom block, if I erase all the name then cannot rename it

Comments (4)

  1. John Maloney repo owner

    You can, actually. Click on the purple hat to make it editable, then click a little to the left of the right-pointing arrow. If you find the right place, you’ll get a text cursor and you can enter a new name.

    However, an easier way to fix this might be to simply make a new command block, move the blocks from the old custom block to the new one, then delete the old custom block.

    Does that help?

  2. Geek reporter
    I do not get it.
    Maybe I didn't explain myself well.
    I can't rename it if I delete the name and there were
     already inputs defined.
    You're right. I'll use the second method ;)

  3. John Maloney repo owner

    Ahh, now I see. Yes, if there are inputs you can no longer edit the block name, and the second method I mentioned is the only way to get back to having a label before the first input.

    There are some cases where one might want to delete the leading label (i.e. the block name), such as arithmetic operators, so it’s actually useful that you can delete the leading label . But, of course, there should be an easier way to get it back.

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