Join Items Of List does not work with New Byte Array

Issue #198 resolved
Turgut Guneysu created an issue

Even though “NEW BYTE ARRAY” is a separate data type than a list, since the other list operations work with it (add, replace, item of, etc) join items of list should also work.



Comments (2)

  1. John Maloney repo owner

    The input to “join items of list” must be a list, usually a list of strings. It produces a new string that concatenates all the items together. When non-string items such as numbers and booleans are included in the list, their printed representation is used.

    This advanced operation is provided to make it easier (and more efficient) to construct strings from parts. For example, this block would be useful as the final step of converting a list into a JSON string representing that list.

    To concatenate byte arrrays, you can use the normal “join” operation. Here’s an example:

    This builds a byte array containing byte values 1 to 100. (This is just to show how “join” works. If you just wanted to make a byte array with a range of byte values you could do it more efficiently by creating one byte array of the final size and using “replace” to fill in the values.)

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