[Snap!] visibility of variables

Issue #21 resolved
connochaetes created an issue

I keep in mind, that the Snap! version is in an experimental state. But since it 's fun, I played with this software. In my experience, the microbit sprite can only access its own private variables which are not visible for other sprites. Any advice would be great.

If this is no rookie mistake and involves development, I 'm quite aware that it 's not of top priority.

Comments (3)

  1. John Maloney repo owner

    Sorry for the slow response.

    We’re working on a way for Snap! to communicate with MicroBlocks programs, including the ability to read and set MicroBlocks variables from Snap! Longer term, Jens plans to further develop the Snap! IDE for MicroBlocks.

  2. connochaetes reporter

    Thanks for your support. I 'm looking forward to the future development von MicroBlocks and “Snap!”.

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