HTTPServer returns strings with quotes around the value in Snap!

Issue #225 resolved
Simon Walters created an issue

When I retrieve a Microblocks string value from Snap!, using getVar, it arrives with “ “ around it

This was with microbit running Microblocks

Comments (3)

  1. John Maloney repo owner

    Yes, that is the correct behavior. The same is true if you retrieve the value with a browser HTTP request. The quotes tell you that the value is a string. Without the convention, the client would not be able to distinguish between boolean values true and false and the strings "true" and "false" or between a string containing digits and an integer.

    When you set variables, you can omit the double quotes unless they are needed to disambiguate between booleans or numbers and a string.

    Here's the help message from the HTTP server:

     MicroBlocks HTTP Server
    / - this help text
    /getVar/URL_encoded_var_name - get variable value
    /setVar/URL_encoded_var_name/value - set variable value
      (value is: true, false, an integer, or a URL-encoded string (up to 800 bytes))
      (double-quote strings that would otherwise be treated as a boolean or integer such as "true", "false", or "12345")
    /broadcast/URL_encoded_message - broadcast message to board
    /getBroadcasts - get broadcasts from board, (URL-encoded strings, one per line)
    /varNames - get all variable names, one per line
    /board - get the board type; return "none" if no board is connected
    Lists and byte arrays are not supported, although getVar reports them as they would be shown by the "say" block
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