What parameters determine the color of the blocks?

Issue #240 resolved
Wenjie Wu created an issue

I can't find the relevant parameters in the IDE or the text code

Comments (4)

  1. John Maloney repo owner

    A library has an optional category such as Input, Output, etc. The category makes blocks in the library the same color as the built-in category of the same name. The category name appears after the libary name in the library header like this:

    module 'Basic Sensors' Input

    Currently, we don’t have a UI to set that category. You need to open the .ubl file with a text editor and add the category.

    Libraries without a category are are the color of your Sphero-RVR library. I suggest making that library be Output.

    Light-blue blocks are either user-defined blocks or blocks from a library that has been deleted. I’m not sure why the [sensors:setAccelerationBlock] is light blue in your screenshot because that block should be in the “Basic Sensors” library, which you have loaded. You might try re-loading that library.

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