Is there any plan to add the websocket client library?

Issue #247 closed
Wenjie Wu created an issue

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Comments (6)

  1. John Maloney repo owner

    No plans for that currently. Do you have a use-case in mind? Support server websockets allows the browser to connect to an ESP32. The other direction doesn’t seem as useful, but maybe I’m missing something.

  2. Wenjie Wu reporter

    All places that need http client but want faster-speed/Bi-directional may be useful.

    My current use case is for multiple boards to interact with each other in real time.

  3. John Maloney repo owner

    General TCP sockets would also satisfy that use case and would be simpler to open and close (no websocket handshake). They are also general – you can make HTTP clients and servers or even websocket servers using TCP sockets.( HTTPS is harder since it requires certificates and crypography. I don’t want to add HTTPS support to MicroBlocks. But no big loss since the security it offers is often not needed in experimental microcontroller applications.)

    UDP might be useful.

    I’m more interested in adding TCP and perhaps UDP support to MicroBlocks than Websocket clients or even MQTT. One benefit is that I don’t think support for those would require much code or consume many resources when not being used since they are already supported by ESP libraries.

  4. Wenjie Wu reporter

    I’m more interested in adding TCP and perhaps UDP support to MicroBlocks than Websocket clients or even MQTT. One benefit is that I don’t think support for those would require much code or consume many resources when not being used since they are already supported by ESP libraries.

    I agree that this might be a better option!

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