Incorrect Neopixel colors on ESP8266

Issue #255 resolved
John Maloney repo owner created an issue

Reported by Simon.

Pin assignment is correct (using pin 4). Neopixels respond, but colors are not correct.

Comments (10)

  1. Simon Walters

    Just to sum-up previous thread - all fine with standard release/standard firmware - problem occurs with pilot release/firmware

  2. Simon Walters

    JFI Just tried same script out on an ESP32 and it works fine with pilot release/latest firmware

  3. John Maloney reporter

    I found and fixed a Neopixel problem on ESP8266. The first Neopixel in a string of Neopixels would often “glitch” and display the wrong color. Is that what you were seeing?

    I also noticed that, when connected to pin D4, the first Neopixel lights up when the board is powered up or reset. That’s because pin D4 is high at startup, as are several other pins on the 8266 (e.g. pin D0). See which GPIO pins should you use for more details. Pins D1, D2, D5, D6, D7, and D8 work with Neopixels. Avoid D0, D3, and D4.

    The fix will be in the next Pilot release.

  4. Simon Walters

    “The first Neopixel in a string of Neopixels would often “glitch” and display the wrong color. Is that what you were seeing?”

    Yes - I was only using one neopixel - will solder up a string just to confirm things 🙂

    “Avoid D0, D3, and D4.” will do - I was using D4 as D4,GND,5V matched up with the pins on my single neopixel

  5. John Maloney reporter

    D4 will work, but the first (or only) NeoPixel will light up when you reset or power cycle the board.

    D0 and D3 don’t work at all. D3 (connected to the Flash button) doesn’t work due to a pull-up resistor. I’m not sure why D0 doesn’t work but that pin can’t be used for PWM, I2C, on interrupts either, so it’s different from the other GPIO pins. (D0 a.k.a. GPIO16 is also used as a wakeup from deep sleep.) The ESP8266 is a strange little device…

  6. Simon Walters

    Just confirming that issue is just with 1st pixel - pixels 2,3,4 all change to colour requested 🙂 - look forward to trying out next pilot release :)

  7. Simon Walters

    Also, found a temp workaround - just repeat the instruction and the 1st pixel falls into line 🙂

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