MQTT publish seems to publish twice instead of once

Issue #260 resolved
Simon Walters created an issue

When I publish a message - according to MQTT Explorer tool - I seem to be getting two messages

Looking at code

It seems to me that it’s publishing a message - checking to see if successful and then publishing it again

I might have put two and three together to get four of course 🙂

Comments (7)

  1. John Maloney repo owner

    Thanks for noticing and reporting this Simon and thanks for the quick fix Wenjie. Fix will be in the next Pilot.

  2. Simon Walters reporter

    Now I’ve fully woken up , I realise, that for this sort of issue, I can just edit the library blocks myself as temp workaround

  3. John Maloney repo owner

    Yep! That’s the nice thing about libraries written in MicroBlocks. And the modified library will be saved with your project so your changes will persist (in that project) unless you reload the library. You an even save the modified library to a file for use in other projects.

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