Suggest adding Number-String conversions

Issue #270 resolved
Wenjie Wu created an issue

Are there Number-String conversions block? I did not find it.

I think the blocks may be useful, especially when dealing with external data (from web client)

Comments (3)

  1. John Maloney repo owner

    It's possible, but not obvious.

    Adding a string that represents a number to zero turns it into a number:


    Joining a number with a string (including the empty string) makes it a string:


    I will add functions to the Strings library to do those operations.

  2. Wenjie Wu reporter

    Adding a string that represents a number to zero turns it into a number:

    Yes, I'm currently using this solution too.

    These operations seem common enough that it should be worth having intuitive blocks.

    I will add functions to the Strings library to do those operations.

    It is great!

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