XGO library

Issue #274 resolved
Wenjie Wu created an issue

I'm trying to build a library for XGO(https://www.elecfreaks.com/learn-en/microbitKit/microbit-xgo-robot-kit/1.microbit-xgo-robot-kit-Introduction.html)

But I encounter a problem:


move_buffer[6] = ~(0x09 + 0x00 + 0x31 + move_buffer[5]) when I translate the code directly in microblocks, move_buffer[6] will be treated a negative number in MicroBlocks , after that it cannot be written as a byte

Comments (3)

  1. Dariusz Dorożalski

    It seems to be a kind of checksum from move_buffer[2 .. 5] clamped to a byte.

    You may try simplified move_buffer[6] = ~( ( 0x3A + move_buffer[5] ) mod 256)

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